A man named Bunny Boots Ink makes "First Amendment Test" videos

It beats working for a living.

The last military officer threatened to “confiscate your camera, put you under apprehension, and take you down to the police station.” Considering that he had no legal right to do that, I’d say he didn’t “handle this pretty well.” Being threatened by armed government officials with arrest for no legal reason doesn’t really make me give a thumbs up and say, “good job, fellas!”

So, if another country does worse than simply threaten to illegally arrest a citizen we can celebrate our freedom? What about the countries that have officers smart enough to know that photographing a military base in broad daylight when better photos are available on google is not something someone who’s a credible threat would be doing?

Yeah, I don’t think guys who can’t assess danger and who make illegal threats against citizens should go into law enforcement. I think the bar has to be set higher than “won’t resort to physical violence as a first response.”


Well, they did threaten to “confiscate your camera, put you under apprehension, and take you down to the police station.” Threatening illegal actions as a response to harmless activity doesn’t seem to merit the passing grade you’re giving them.

Threatening a civilian with illegal arrest doesn’t suggest they “handled the situation very professionally.”

What, exactly, was “stupid” about legally photographing the outside of a military base? His goal was to test the professionalism of the MP’s and the police, and the police did a better job than the MP’s.

the only and real terrorist is called the BUSH family, 9/11 was a conspiracy to abolish all our freedoms, that was the intent, and this is the outcome, the sad part is that Judges are allowing this, and the ugly part is that Judges must end this

very constructive, its a video that shows you that we are NOT in Iraq, we should not be all treated as terrorist when the real terrorist are in the White House

Threatening a civilian with illegal arrest doesn’t suggest they “handled the situation very professionally.”

It’s just a tactic to scare off some werdo that you mostly just want him to go away.

Sure, but it’s not legal or professional to threaten a citizen with an illegal arrest to stop that citizen from doing something that’s perfectly legal.

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There was a legal reason why I spoke at that time. If they were to follow through with the illegal detention in order to properly use my fifth amendment rights I have to invoke them. This was brought about by Salinas v Texas.


I do have real business there, I’m ensuring they’re honoring their oath. Also I was one of those warriors so I know how it goes.


Actually a school is planned at some point in the future but the approach will be different. It will definitely cause some controversy but it would be a great way to educate at the same time about the limits and dangers of the first amendment.

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