A man told police his 11-year-old daughter was being manipulated to send a man photos of her. Columbus cops threatened the victim with jail for "making porn"

PSA for any parents of minor children: if this happens to your child go straight to the FBI child explotation task force or a similar state level institution. Or call the local CASA (or child advocacy center) and see if they can provide some advice. The CASA will know if any local cops can be trusted.
Also cut off your child’s access to the account being used. Heavily monitor the child’s social media and Internet use. Keep a very close eye on them, this is a vulnerable time for the predator to come and take them or convince them to runway.
Get them a good therapist. Make sure they know you love them and they are not to blame. Give them sincere and real gratitude if you found out because they told you.

Edited to fix auto incorrect. Also, if a child shares something with you that makes them vulnerable, like their latest crush or deep emotions do not for the love of all that is holy tease them or shame them
Thank them for sharing with you. Establish that trust and then do whatever you must to yourself, including therapy for your own issues, to keep that trust.
This is what a parent can do to keep their child safe. Earn their trust and then keep earning it