Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/10/19/a-black-10-year-old-girl-with-adhd-was-handcuffed-at-school-jailed-for-a-sketch-she-made-in-response-to-being-bullied.html
Boiled my blood, they’re/assholes very lucky Papasan was not her father, I hold a grudge for shit like this.
So, the school gets exactly what it wants, removing a minority student from the rolls. And any settlement reached in response would be paid by taxpayers, while the criminals all go back to their jobs.
These things happen because there are no consequences.
That is the American way, just so you know. /s
This happened in Hawaii, so I imagine that the people responsible on this occasion are not White.
EDIT: It’s clearly racist, but not the usual story of racist white officials.
You are aware that white people live in Hawaii and that POC can also buy into racism?
Yes, I’m aware.
So what was this extremely dangerous drawing?
What on earth could a 10-year-old draw that would make another parent insist on the police being called?
(Oh, wait- it’s not about the drawing, is it.)
What school accedes to a parent’s request to call the police over a drawing?
What police officer handcuffs a 10-year-old and detains them over a drawing?
What is the collective noun for fuckwits?
Something remotely critical of their darling little bully?
I propose “fuckwites”
Why was one child’s parents involved to the point of knowing about and being offended by a drawing, while the other child’s parent’s didn’t know anything until their child had been forcibly arrested and taken to the station in reaction to that drawing?
A good plural form, but not a collective noun.
(E.g. a murder of crows).
Maybe “an offence of fuckwits”? Or “a futility of fuckwits”?
A dumpsterfire of fuckwits.
Utterly amazing that a bully child has a bully parent.