A message to Breitbart from Weather.com

Yeah @ Breifart they get confused a lot with funny things like facts.

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This is exactly what happened when I engaged in a ‘conversation’ with a literal foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Obama (Obummer) nut who happened to help me move a piece of furniture we purchased from him. The few times I was able to point out a falsehood he would pause for a second then change the subject to some other conspiracy (he touched on pretty much all of them). This guy worked himself up into an red-faced angry ball. He literally hoped my wife and I had guns for the coming Civil War and left me with the impression that he was looking forward to the day when he would go hunting ‘liberals’. This was, like, three years ago.

I think their skewered-reality has gotten worse.


I love all the Breitbart readers angry that Weather.com has “politicized science.” Self awareness: zero.


“We have no room for facts in this organization!!”



I think it’s actually totally the opposite.

One of the Rules of Propaganda: insinuate that your opponent is guilty of exactly what you are guilty of. If they ARE guilty of that, SUCCESS! If they are NOT guilty of that, you’ve forced them onto the defensive, which makes them seem guilty of something, and it’s taken the heat off of you. And now your opponent is reluctant to throw out that accusation, because they know it’ll be poor visuals (see: how Trump is reacting to the vote re-counts while crying about illegal votes).

The devil is always the first one to cry foul.


The most depressing thing about right now is that those conspiracy theory believers are about to take control of the levers of power. The fringe has taken over. DFT and his cabinet truly believe in pizzagate, climate denialism, etc. It would be less depressing if I thought they were doing it cynically, or for the ad revenue. But these are true anti-science, anti-journalism people.


We won’t get anywhere again the tsunami of BS that will crest over us over the next four years unless reputable news outlets start getting into the habit of following Kait Parket’s as soon as possible. It won’t change the minds of the idiots who read Breitbart or think #nextpresident will MAGA, but the time has come for media outlets to make a choice about their roles as democratic institutions.


The modern Republican party is proof of that Vonnegut maxim: “We are who we pretend to be, so we must be careful who we pretend to be.” They pretended to be Donald Trump for long enough that they eventually became him.


Or not come back at all.

I’m fine with leaving them there with their own fake internet which isn’t connected with anything.


Give them Etch a Sketches and say they are tablets that have no liberal bias. They’ll never know.


I think that’s exactly right. Once people see their peers with different opinions, they are more likely to change their own.

I saw this with my father in law a number of years ago, who really impressed me. He used to express annoyance and a bit of fear with the idea of gay marriage. Then, one day he talked to a friend who had a gay son and that changed his mind. I respect that he acknowledged his change, but it wasn’t facts, it was his peer group.

So, all we need to do is get Trump to tweet about how global warming is a major threat to humanity and all the Breitbarters will change their minds. Right?


And if there was one that you couldn’t immediately disprove, he’d claim victory. However, if you did disprove them all, he wouldn’t admit defeat.


I wish I’d framed it like you did. Perhaps I’m a little too cynical in my rhetoric.

Even if people escape one circus of lies, I don’t think the people who propagandise to them will ever stop lying unless there’s no longer any money it for them. And even then, lying is what these people do. They will just move on to whatever new propaganda project some corporate entity has created to earn money from causing harm.

And even if you could somehow destroy corrupt lobbying and fake news and the whole machine, there will probably always be assholes whose only concern is fucking things up for as many people as possible. And the people who love them for it.

Damn cynicism.

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