A new edition of Daniel Pinkwater's happy mutant kids' classic, "Lizard Music"

Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/08/15/high-weirdness-in-covers.html


To anyone out there who has not read this yet… run do not walk to your local bookstore or library and get a copy. Read it and be forever changed in the best way possible.


Added to my Goodreads list! I’ve been wondering which Pinkwater to read first; sounds like this would make a good one.

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It sounds a little too close to some of the Alex Jones InfoWars conspiracies…

When I got access to NLS (National Library Service) Talking Books and RFB&D my world changed. (I am not blind, but I do have difficulty reading and processing the printed word). Overnight I gained greater level of atomy. What books I could get were limited, but I had access to books wherever and whenever I wanted, instead of relying on parents that were already overwhelmed with the amount of material they needed to read to me.

The librarian that ordered me books, first asked what I wanted. What was available was Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Bradbury, Blum, C.S. Lewis, and Herbert. I was in heaven, but they had few laughs.

The first age appropriate books I listened to on my own were by Daniel Pinkwater. I loved them! They were fun, silly, and were placed in worlds that I wanted to be a part of. Sea monsters in lakes, parking garages that screwed up and down, strange dictionaries, the original pebble watches, lizard people, and plaid wearing martians.

My Reading Rainbow exit line would be Seriously, he invented the pebble watch, but don’t take my word for it. You are going to have to read Lizzard Music to see what I mean. [ Be dop be de beep ].


No the are no conspiracies in Lizard Music only the wonderful magic that Daniel Pinkwater brings to your imagination. It is the only fictional world I would actually want to live in.

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