There were three armed nazi goons who went and stood in front of a synagogue full of families having a shabbat dinner. Mother’s and kids had to go out the back way terrified.
The rally was supposed to have been organized to protest the removal of statues they claimed were part of their history. Why did so many have guns? Why did they start talking about undesirables like Muslims and jews?
Antisemites dislike/hate jews
Islamophobes dislike/hate Muslims
Homophobes dislike/hate gays
Racists hate blacks.
Naziism treats all of these folks as untermenschen (subhumans). Now combine this with Nazi philosophy which is “kill the untermenschen (subhumans)”. That is frighteningly goal-oriented and the goals are explicitly stated.
Klan philosophy is nearly the same as Naziism (just slightly more focused on racism than antisemitism, and less organized). They used to be really popular until they allied themselves with Naziism a few weeks before the USA joined WWII.
Treat both Klan and Nazis as if they would rape and kill a five year old child for fun. Many have. It’s not like they value humanity.