A post by racist Iowa congressperson Steve King threatens a second American Civil War

thank you so much for share this article i want to share one thing and my word is no more war we want peace

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I suggest that you look into the history of the partition of British India.

Hint: millions died.


The general view of the assorted US veterans that I follow, regarding the most likely behaviour of the US military in the case of serious civil conflict, is: they will follow orders.

And, at the moment, their commander in chief and senior leadership are not on your side.


I’m not trying to push a false dichotomy on you, but this is a thread about a second American Civil War. My assumption is that war would guarantee millions of deaths on both sides. I would like to avoid that.

As would we all. But partition is not a just or peaceful option.

  1. Here’s a map of where African-Americans live:

Are we planning to include Mississippi etc amongst the territory of LiberalAmerica? Or are we going to subject the majority of Black America to a forced migration instead?


  1. The difference in political opinion between Blue and Red states is marginal.

White supremacy and brutal capitalism isn’t a Southern thing, it’s an American thing.


Any person who takes up arms against the U.S. government is by definition a traitor.

The commander in chief may not be on my side but the actual military leadership certainly is. They are only required to follow legal orders and they have not made their disdain of Trump a secret. If Trump attempted to use the military to side with those taking up arms against the government, that would not be a legal order.


I’ve been somewhat flippantly saying for a few years now that if you want to know what the conservatives are up to, look at what they’re accusing the liberals of.

The old north has be de-industrialized, the right is armed to the teeth, and the south has always been a sore loser, they want a re-match because they think it’s winnable.


I think a whole lot more than black people will have to relocate. My family would be bound to relocate. Most likely as refugees.


If this were to occur (I seriously doubt it will) it would result in a mass migration that would put any previous such to shame, and the economy would collapse. There would be no winners. There never are.


Yes, so how about we don’t do that… There are literally no cases where a partition worked out. The very best scenario is that families are separated and thousands, if not millions, die in the process.



We on the Left know exactly which bathroom to use: the one that conforms to our gender identity. So do they, but are so obsessed about vetting what’s in everybody else’s pants that it drives them crazy.


Great quotation from Canada’s former Prime Minister (at the time Justice Minister) Pierre Trudeau. Trudeau defended a bill to remove homosexual acts from the criminal code: “There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.”

I think of that all the time when people come up with bathroom laws. There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation, and there is really no place for the state in the bathrooms of the nation.


And their stated position (“everyone should use the bathroom that matches their genitals!”) actually falls apart almost immediately in practice. Imagine how most conservatives would react if this gentleman walked into the women’s restroom while their daughters were inside.


ok, I’ve gone through most of the thread and haven’t seen it mentioned but basically the South prior to the civil war, and in the first year of it also thought the same way as King. They were always going on about how a southerner could outfight 3 or more yankees, and how they were brought up being taught to shoot and fight and so on and so forth.

but in the end logistics carved them to bits.


I guess all those generations of taking credit for other people’s unpaid work led some Southerners to overestimate their own abilities.


Or as I head it put. The strategy of General Grant… Hell I got another ten thousand men. Though it simply was not that but logistics is definitely what wins wars.

When I lived in northern Floriduh, the saying was “if we just had another bag of grits…”

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The main thrust of that article is that a number of dissenting generals have retired.

In other words, Trump is gradually purging the senior ranks, leaving behind only those officers who are content to serve a fascist.

The public image of the senior officers of the US military as noble self-sacrificing patriots is mythological. The Navy senior brass are absolutely swamped in corruption scandals; other services produce such “honourable” men as Mattis, Kelly, Flynn, etc. There is a revolving door between the arms industry and the senior leadership of all services; corruption is as routine as it is elsewhere in American politics.

Meanwhile, the leadership quality of the Afghanistan command is represented by this:

Relevant bit starts at 10:33


Better dressed at any rate.


The government will eventually cease to function based on how things are now. On that ground alone conflict is a nevitable at some point in the future. This place is a fucking train wreck.

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