A powerful trailer for the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/22/a-powerful-trailer-for-the-fin.html


I think they are going to finally show the Cad Bane Boba Fett duel. So I am in!


So, if I wanted to get into this series, should I start with the movie? Or go straight to S01E01?

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I think I’m still going to side with the show that brought us Baby Yoda over the one that brought us Baby Jar-Jar. I can see why kids love the cartoon though.



Question…doesn’t Ahsoka Tano have to die at the end of this, kinda by default?

I know SW is loosey-goosey with the canon story often enough and all…but if she doesn’t die, there needs to be some serious reasoning as to why she never turned up again.


No, she showed up in Rebels. She survived through the birth of the Empire. IIRC she alive after the Battle of Endor.


I’m getting the tingles.

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which raises a million more questions. which is kind of how SW canon/lore/story have always gone down.

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Yeah, I would heavily emphasize the arguably part. Clone Wars has a lot of good stuff dragged down by a lot of really terrible stuff, and it’s a slog to get through the existing 6 seasons just to experience the peaks. In general it got better as it went on though.


I think it naturally progressed and got better as it went. Yes some lines were better than others, but I also appreciate some of the experimentation.

The early shows with “Snips” and “Skyguy” were fucking cringy…

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People will have different opinions on the watching order, but I look at it like this: if you like Star Wars, watch Star Wars stuff, order be damned.

Just start watching s01e01.


With that said, there is a chronological order to pay attention to. I just re-watched it that way instead of release and it was amazing.


some site (Polygon? The Verge? IO9?) put out a list at one point of all the episodes you really SHOULD watch to catch all the big arcs and major character points, and that’s what we used. it was well worth it.

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For sure, there is a fair amount of junk in there. Pretty much any Jar Jar or droid centric episode can be skipped post haste (i watched them on 2x speed on my re-watch just for completion sake)

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Well, if you watch Rebels those questions are pretty much answered. However knowing what she was doing at the end of Rebels with Sabine and what happens at the end of S1 of The Mandalorian, we may just be in for some finality to her story.

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I haven’t watched the whole show through so this may well be addressed in one of the plot arcs, but my main problem with the show is built into the premise in the same way that it was in the prequels. Namely: The Republic in general and the Jedi in particular are WAAAAAY too comfortable with the idea of breeding and enslaving a clone army for me to identify with them as the supposed protagonists.


As opposed to robots as slaves or sentient being slavery (see Anakin’s mom) being just fine and dandy?

Altho based on this trailer it does look like the clones at least take notice of that issue.

“Robots as slaves” is a more interesting philosophical question since it raises questions about free will, Turing tests, actual sentience vs. the mere mechanical approximation of sentience, etc. We could have a similar debate today about whether Siri or Alexa count as “slaves” and at which point they would deserve equal rights.

Clones are a different matter because Galactic society has clearly determined that humans count as intelligent beings with free will and well-defined legal and social rights. Those rights were explicitly denied to the minority of clones who were audacious enough to demand their freedom.

Anakin & mom’s status as slaves was different because—as she stated when questioned about it by Padme—“The Republic doesn’t exist out here.” So slavery was indeed illegal under galactic law, but Tatooine didn’t recognize the legal authority of the Republic. That still makes the Republic look bad (what good is a galactic government that can’t even take measures to end slavery on a planet as well known as Tatooine?) but at least it doesn’t make the Republic look like the real villains in the story.


“Jango said he was cool with it and this is literally a million Jango’s so really I don’t see the problem.”


Checked to see if anyone created some fan mashups premised on a slavery-fighting galactic vigilante called Jango Unchained. Was not disappointed.