A ray of hope for the nearly extinct California condor



I saw one of these eating garbage by the side of the road recently. My first thought as I came around the curve and spotted it: ā€˜Whoah, that turkey is in bad shape!ā€™

Well thatā€™s better than confusing them for ā€œdamn yellow buzzardsā€ as Johnny Cash did.

You may have seen a Turkey Vulture. Common in California.


Au contraire, friend. I know itā€™s tempting to tell other people what they may have seen, but I know a turkey vulture, and I know when something is three time the size of a turkey vulture when Iā€™m standing 50 feet away.

I loved seeing condors when I was in Peru.

Going to be heading down Big Sur way on vacation in a couple of months, should go looking :slight_smile:

Wow. Just wow on you and the way you dealt with that. I believe you owe me an apology.

Iā€™m sorry. I mistook your post for sarcasm. You clarified it and I deleted the old one.

Sarcasm is possible, but your apology is much appreciated. Thank you and delete these last couple if you want.

Sometimes a lot gets lost in a forum post and we donā€™t realize its all in good cheer. Again, Iā€™m sorry.

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