A script to show the full BB post on BBS

eh, maybe what I envision isn’t realistic. i hate seeing a headline in BBS, not being able to tell if I’m interested or not, clicking through to the forum, then clicking through to the permalink (or now, clicking your awesome bookmarklet) just to skim a sentence/see the pic and realize I’m not interested, and then back out to BBS again.

If I could mouseover or rightclick/cmd click from the BBS and see the permalink in an iframe (i don’t actually know that word, I’m just parroting what you called it earlier so I hope that’s right), that would be what @Donald_Petersen and I asked for here several months ago.

I get that the link on the BBS topics page only goes to the forum, not the post’s permalink; so unless you can “go two deep,” I understand it may be wishful thinking.

anyway, cheers for responding :^)

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