A sheepdog from Georgia killed eight coyotes to defend his flock

When I read the headline, I just assumed it was 8 coyotes over time, not 8 at once!

Good ninja dog, have a bisquit. mwah x


Ok see I was confused when I read that too, I live not to far from there (OTP though) and a sheep farm in Decatur? Also like, around here wouldn’t you have to have a good fence to keep coyotes out if you have sheep? My house backs up to the woods, we have coyotes that live right behind our house (I got a trail cam to see all the critters!) and while the wildlife is part of why I bought the house, I would never in a million years put my dog out there without a nice tall fence (could a very enterprising coyote jump it? Maybe? but they probably won’t). And I’m talking about a pit bull mix. My neighbors keep whining about their chihuahuas and their outdoor cats and I’m like!!! Maybe…a fence?

Anyways my point (and I do have one) is that if you’re going to have sheep around here you need coyote proofing that isn’t a dog putting its life in danger. Like, hire a security guard or something.


I know where a horse farm is… you know when you’re heading out towards Athens on 78, where it becomes 78 from Scott? Across from the QT and the mall? Horse farm!

seems like they were moving their sheeps around, so… :woman_shrugging:

Yeah, but like I said, I think they were moving/grazing their sheeps…

But that’s the dog’s job? :dog:


Great Pyrenees were bred to kill bears and wolves after all. I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s dog.


“He’s seen some thing.”




The title of that story kills me every time I see it :joy:


I imagine the scene as being something like this…

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Then that would make the total eight!

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It was over 46 years ago. He has several fun stories about that dog, named Pup. Real Call of the Wild type stuff, as he bummed around Alaska after the Navy and then worked for the Wildlife Dept. living in remote areas of Alaska for months at a time.

He would sometimes bark at bears who lurked around the camp, except for the one night a giant grizzly got into the supply shack. He wisely decided discretion was the better part of valor.


OTOH, folks, coyotes just doing what coyotes do. Who’s encroaching on whose turf, usually? And, not that the dog was lucky, it was them 8 coyotes that were unlucky.

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