A sneak peek at the Halo series coming to Paramount+ in March

Originally published at: A sneak peek at the Halo series coming to Paramount+ in March | Boing Boing


Feels like a parody trailer, right down to the dramatic cover version of an old popular song.

Also: How can we get some of that sweet, sweet Star Wars money without using Star Wars? This is very “The Mandalorian” mixed with “Rogue One”.


I hope it doesn’t “flood” too much.

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I really liked Rogue One. I even found The Mandalorian watchable, if kind of a totally different thing. Book of Fett has been altogether a disappointment and definitely feels just like what you describe.


I was watching the Chiefs/Bengals game (RIP KC’s season), and they came back from commercials and the announcer was like, “Watch the exclusive trailer to the new Halo series on Paramount + at half time.”

And the other guy was like, “Halo, that’s a video game, right?”

I expected the other guy to be like, “I don’t know, I’m not a nerd.”

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Oh. Well, I wasn’t so much saying those series weren’t well made. Just that this is trying very hard to mimic the same cinematic aesthetics.

I also can’t take the “Master Chief” hyping seriously because it’s a very silly name. The fantasy equivalent would be “Lord King”.

Master Chief is a military rank.

Master Chief Petty Officer, addressed as “Master Chief”.


sydney pollack GIF by Warner Archive

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My grandpa would have outranked him. He was a Chief Warrant officer in the Coast Guard.

My cousin out ranked him. He was a second lieutenant in the Air Force.

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My dad joined the Navy during Vietnam after doing ROTC in college, and came out Lieutenant, ironically out ranking his career military dad.


I played Halo 2 a lot, does that count for anything in this contest?


“He is lethal, upgradeable and most importantly controlled by a 13 year old screaming racial slurs”


Never having played Halo and not being intimately familiar with the lore this trailer seems pretty standard and average to me. Visually it looks good but the story seems very cookie cutter and predictable, also i doubt i’ll ever be interested enough to sub to Paramount+ but i hope someone out there enjoys it with their Extreme Doritos and Mt Dew baja blast

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It’s a typo, it’s meant to be Master Chef


I’m not familiar with Halo. I never played the game. Something about ring worlds that are also super weapons, and interstellar war. I wouldn’t mind a a good military sci-fi show. There really hasn’t been one since Battlestar Galactica or Space: Above and Beyond. I enjoyed both of those shows, so I’m keeping an open mind.

Does seem like there’s a dark B-plot about the Spartans being the raised from children to be enhanced brainwashed super soldiers. Kind of a cliché, but whatever. It’s based on a video game. I expect some clichés.


Did you miss The Expanse, or do you just not put it in that category? Because it was pretty great, despite maybe a little bit of a rushed conclusion to the final season.

I don’t know how I ever missed the books but I plan to read them for sure as soon as I’ve waited a respectable amount of time to let the show dim in my mind a bit.

I enjoyed The Expanse, but I don’t think I’d put it in that category. The Rocinante tended to act by itself, and the show felt like it was more focused on politics, rather than a war. Don’t get me wrong, the space battles were cool, and I very much appreciate something with realistic physics, but I wouldn’t describe it as a war show.

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Ah cool. Now I hope Sony will do this with destiny at some point.

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As my Tech Sergeant father would have said: “Outrank, but not out-wisdom.”