A spectacular hydrothermal explosion caught on camera

Settling in for a nice evening of “ChatGPT, play today’s livestreamed dashcam footage accidents” circa 2030


And a good thing too. You don’t want to break through a thin crust and parboil your feet when you’re running away from a first-class hydrothermal explosion.


I am a long-time Yellowstone geyser gazer. One of my friends, who was a ranger there, told me about one afternoon when they were at the Norris Museum, up on top of a hill, when they saw a huge fountain of black mud mixed with uprooted trees shooting above the ridgeline across the valley. They immediately ran…towards it. By the time they cleared the ridge, the explosion was over, but they were looking down into a boiling cauldron of mud about 100 yards across, in which entire pine trees were swizzling around like cocktail toothpicks. Now that there, that’s a hydrothermal explosion. And of course you’re not allowed into that area.


Via USGS Yellowstone observatory


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