A Star Wars-themed AirBnB

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/31/a-star-wars-themed-airbnb.html

I think some people took Willy’s Chocolate Experience in Glasgow as a challenge.

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It’s still probably better than the real thing was.

There’s this hotel in France that’s cheaper than this AirBnB or the old Disney version.

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For some reason, no matter which browser I use, the instagram page won’t come up - it’s just blank.

From the screen cap - that isn’t Star Wars. Maybe that is just a bad example, but if not then it is more of a Sci-Fi themed Air BnB and I’d want my money back.

The old COMSAT Campus in Clarksburg, Maryland is still vacant. Go there and role play some sci fi fantasies.

PS. Built in 1969 on a 204 acre lot, the 496,000-square-foot COMSAT building was constructed as a research facility and headquarters for the Communications Satellite Corporation (COMSAT), created by the Communications Satellite Act in 1962.

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Nobody knows how it is themed (other than the external outline) because there were no interior shots.

(And what is with that nauseating sing-song, ‘every sentence must be in two parts where the first part’s cadence rises and the second part’s falls’ delivery. Every sentence sounds the same, and by the third sentence I was reaching for the mute button.)

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