A Steve Jobs postage stamp is coming in 2015

You must be an Android fan.

Sorry, let me be more literal: “I don’t see him getting a United States Post Office Stamp”.

I don’t have any smart phones at all- I’m not saying Jobs is responsible for all bad things in the 21st Century. I’m just saying he’s not responsible for any good ones, and by “good” I mean things that enrich the spiritual lives of humanity, and by “spiritual” I don’t mean religion (necessarily) but I do mean things that go beyond stuff- and that’s all apple products really are. Stuff.

“Elvis Presley, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Harvey Milk, Johnny Carson, and Charlie Brown’s Peanuts gang will be honored, too.”

I don’t really care about Johnny Carson, but I understand the value his show had in our culture for many years. If Steve Jobs has an equal value to that, then that speaks volumes about the decline of our culture, more than anything.

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