They are also completely shatterproof.
The roll of a chocolate chip isn’t to be tasty or melt in the mouthy. Its sole purpose to to break free from it’s shackles be that a cake, cookie or other, and melt into your clothes before you can remove it.
Can they do it in white chocolate for the fans of bleaching?
Yeah, I wasn’t sure what the appropriate usage in this case would be as they are both very pan-gender establishments. After looking at their websites, though they both do identify as woman-owned. Thanks for highlighting it. Corrected the original post.
They also are both fully vegan, amazing and do direct shipment:
There’s a lot of engineerig in indutrial chocholate factories, a lot of robotics, actually. And the shape of the food and the recipe itself is modified to make the machine processing faster and simpler…
[looks at picture]
[looks at price tag]
[reads pretentious as fuck Tesla bullshit]
Yeah, pretty much like I expected.
C’mon Tesla, you’re boring me, come up with something new.
But when I want melty as fuck chocolate in my cookies, I don’t use chocolate chips. I shave an unsweetened or semi sweet chocolate square into slivers.
Huh. Who knew Skynet started out as an artisanal chocolate shoppe.
Exactly! As first introduced to me by this recipe ( ) the variation in size after chopping from shavings to oversized chunks makes a vastly superior cookie. Plus I can buy a massive chuck of --insert fancy chocolate brand of choice – for less than these.
Now I just want to make (and eat) cookies…
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