A Texas high school desperately wants a Black student to change his hairstyle

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And this is another determination that is often ambiguous, as I remember many a “stoner” white kid in school whose hair was quite unkempt.


sean penn teacher GIF


You should see my school yearbooks. :crazy_face:


The full rule says something about not extending past the earlobe or eyebrows “at any time”. So you’re not allowed to have potential long hair either.


That’s like saying a shirt violates the dress code because it could theoretically be knotted above the midriff.


Yep, it sure is.

I remember my science teacher trying to ban me from wearing my knee length coat in class until another student pointed out that it was a grey version of his own labcoat. Being a logical dude, he had to accept that. Never liked me though, which was a shame because I thought he was awesome. A no point did he threaten to expel me though.


It sounds like a racist, sexist, transphobic policy. Right wing Texans have to hit as many bigotry targets as they can at once.


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Bringing efficiency and bigotry to new heights, together.

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I’d thought of

Ish Kabibble

I’m surprised ACLU lawyers haven’t already paid them a friendly visit.


As is common elsewhere, bigger U.S. cities skew “blue” and rural areas skew “red” (liberal v conservative) and I looked up where Barbers Hill ISD is: Mont Belvieu, population ~7600. Just east of Houston (solid blue territory, politically) on the way to Beaumont and Port A, just a hair north of I-10. On the other side of the Houston Ship Channel. Makes its money off of taxing industry, and by that, I mean petroleum-based industries.

So: not a big Texas city.


or here (2021) https://archive.ph/PI8S0

And yeah, the right wing in Texas keeps doubling- and tripling-down on cruelty. It’s about control, and othering, and about as far from what Jesus really preached as a body can get. Likely the people running that school district would also claim to be good Christians but Matthew 7:16 says “by their fruits shall ye know them.”


From my reading of the CNN article, the rule looks like it would discriminate against Sikh students if they had any.


It discriminates against Black students right now… :woman_shrugging:


It looks like it meets code in that photo but we don’t know how he wore it to school on the days he was suspended for.

It doesn’t matter. It was still a racist decision.


How is it racist?

It’s racist because, as @jlw noted in the original post:

Dress codes and rules regarding hairstyle or appearance are tools of discrimination.

This is a common problem faced by Black Americans with regards to dress codes in many areas of public life. Natural hair is often considered “unprofessional”. Black women especially get pressure to “whiten” their hair. Hence the Crown act, which this code and the actions of the school clearly violates…

School dress codes are also often misogynistic, too, as they put more pressure on girls to dress a particular way so as “not to distract” boys. This, again, often falls harder on Black girls than white girls. Because we live in a society that is still full of racism.

The OUTCOME of these policies falls far heavier on POC and girls/women, so the intent is obvious in the outcome. Let’s not forget that not a single law aimed at restricting the Black vote during the Jim Crow era explicitly stated that “Black people can’t vote.” But the outcome was the same. If you’re getting racist results, than you have some racist inputs…


But the question is not is someone using a dress code regarding hairstyle for racial discrimination it is that in this case is it a tool of racial discrimination.