It’s called limiting ones ecological footprint you first world twit!
That moment was cringing to watch. I can’t believe he spent that much time insulting them and then in the next breath saying how he looks forward to re-establishing trade relations post-Brexit. Did this man stop emotionally maturing after the age of 12?
I’m not sure if anyone will ever want to use this reaction image, but here it is:
who cares pecker growth bubba ho tep bruce campbell elvis
Special thanks @Melizmatic for the inspiration:
#tsa / unfuck / police-state / usa / homeland-insecurity
This one’s for any nation-state/province/state/prefecture in which egalitarian legalization of cannabis is on the ballot:
#cannabis / weed / pot / marijuana / drug-legalization / drug-war / pragmatism
I like it; good job!
The images don’t show identical or even very similar situations, but they leave a strong impression.
Baton Rouge
[ha, just realized all names start with a B. COINCIDENCE?]
rules are there for a reason
It only calls for air guitar if the kid shares, right?