A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 1)


Everything about that man’s texts are gross. Lemme paraphrase in case any men in the audience aren’t picking up why: “O hai! I doxxed you to let you know I, random dude, noticed you, and not-so-subtly demand you pay reciprocal attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Did I say that I’m Jewish loud enough? Because I require you care about that sort of thing. Oh, you don’t want my attention?!? Fuck YOU, you rotten b****!!!111!1!”

Mr. “I have 5 grandkids” has earned his nice, new restraining order. :face_vomiting:


I don’t know who designed this - but just don’t.



New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU


she is a national treasure. if there’s ever another democratic president in my lifetime i hope they give her a medal of freedom.


Oh, it gets better: that’s Scott Morrison’s office (PM of Australia), the guy who had to ask his wife if sexual harassment was wrong, the guy who refused to come out of his office to meet a woman’s march on Parliament, the guy who stifled and tried to stifle reports into multiple reports of sexual harrassment (and worse) in his cabinet members; this guy:

Going into an election and desperately trying to pretend he’s a friend to women and a supporter of women’s rights.

I can only assume someone in the graphics department is trying to send a signal.

I mean, FFS, it’s even a throbbing purple.


“If Axe Body Spray was a person

will grace GIF


Seriously, though


I can’t say I didn’t expect it, but fuck people are stupid. Menstruation and puberty are adult issues?!
I begin to dread just how many kids I’m gonna have to talk to when mine hits that age because their parents are too selfish to set aside their own discomfort. Mine is 5 and we’ve already started talking about puberty and periods. Do these ppl shamefully hide aunt flo? How does that even work? Young kids will bust into the bathroom. They will see the supplies. Do they just ignore the questions?
Mei’s mom carries menstrual pads, the horror! She defies her parents! She lusts after boys! And hormones clutches pearls
All those parents be like “I don’t want to show my kids a movie where a child disobeys their parents. That’s not what I want my kids to see.” So their kids only ever see (around their parents!) perfect paragons of virtue? I feel so very sorry for their kids.
I haven’t watched the movie, but I plan to. If my kid is interested, we’ll watch it together.


The day after watching this movie my daughter (7) asked my wife if she would have periods when she reached middle school. My wife fumbled a bit, saying everyone’s body is different, but it’s likely it would start around then.

My kid paused, thought about this, then said, “I mean like first period, lunch, third period.”



 I don’t know your kid, but I’m wondering if she was deliberately tr0lling her mom
 :thinking: :grin:


Missed Equal Pay Day yesterday:

Here’s an interesting piece about a book focused on women and money:


I’d love to think so, but she’s been asking a lot of questions about middle school lately, mostly because of the book she’s reading. The thought of her doing that makes me smile, though :smiley:


as a sixth grade teacher i taught a class called “discovery” which lasted for 9 weeks and then rotated to the next of four teachers. this class period existed because all the band directors came to my campus at this time and so we had to find something to teach something to the ones who weren’t in band.

during the last few years of my run as a sixth grade teacher i taught a health course using a book that was adopted by the state for my student’s age group. it had a chapter on “growth and development” which covered reproductive issues in an age-appropriate way. despite having been approved by the state and represented as age appropriate i had to create a letter to send to the parents to get their consent to teach their child this chapter.

the chapter took about a week to go through and the school nurse for my campus agreed to to teach a week long course on personal hygiene for any students whose parents refused consent.in three years of teaching the course with four different groups of kids each year i had a granf total of three sets of parents who opted out. the rest had no problem with it and i had several parents that wrote notes like “thank god you’re doing this, i was dreading talking to my child about this.” i also had a few parents who asked me to be sure and talk to their child about birth control.

several of the students would flip through the book and suddenly come across the illustrations for that chapter. some of those would ask me, “are we going to get to chapter 9?” to which i would reply, “yes, of course, i told you we were covering the whole book.” but many of them did not believe me. anyway, once we got to that chapter i covered it in detail, went over the illustrations in detail. i even added a few details i thought were somewhat important. for example, the drawing of the female reproductive organs had the clitoris clearly shown but it was unlabeled so i pointed out that structure, told them what it was called, and went on to describe it as a very sensitive center of pleasure. i also explained that the internal structure of the clitoris was in the shape of a wishbone which straddled the vagina.

the students were somewhat amazed that i was using words like penis, vagina, testicles, ovaries, etc. without showing any embarrassment or discomfort. some of the girls were amazed by my comprehensive understanding of the whole menstrual cycle and my willingness to discuss it and answer questions about it with no sign of disgust or fear. some of the girls shared stories about their first period traumas. one girl, who had three much older brothers and who said her parents called her a “surprise baby”, related what i thought was the saddest story: when her first period started she told her mom who immediately shrieked, ran and locked herself in a bathroom, then responded to her daughter knocking on the door by throwing a box of pads out of the bathroom, and telling the girl that “if you want to know any more, call my sister!”

with the boys i tried to instill in them the understanding that this was a normal bodily process which generally starts when a young woman is between 10 and 14 although it can start earlier or later, and that it continues until a woman is around 50 and that this ending is called menopause although menopause can happen earlier or later. i also explained that menstrual periods last 3-7 days and occur every 21-35 days but that there are multiple reasons for irregularities in those number. once i got through to them both the normality and the cyclical nature of the process many of the boys were amazed that every woman they had ever known had dealt with this on a routine and recurring basis and so rarely complained or even seemed bothered by it.

overall, i got a real education myself regarding how few of their parents had done much of anything regarding giving their children any kind of basic preparation or information regarding the reproductive system and process. the levels of ignorance among the students made me understand the teen pregnancy rates even better than i had before. it also left me with a healthy respect for my parents who gave me a remarkably complete explanation of reproduction when i was 10, 50 years ago. my parents discussed things in more detail than i would have been comfortable talking to my students about because they gave me a rundown on pleasure for both male and female partners in heterosexual encounters with a few mentions of oral contacts being used in such couplings and they also explained that masturbation is a common practice which i should not be ashamed of but that i should practice it in private.


Once again, all the students you taught over the years were lucky to have you.





Truth Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


I can only hope my kid ends up with teachers like you!
Also, that poor girl. A first cycle can be scary and she needed better support, at the least. I want my kid to be better prepared than I was and we really need movies like Turning Red and books like Go With the Flow by Lily Williams and Karen Schneemann