I’m old enough now that I think I would change the order of #2 and #3, but otherwise, it’s a perfect list!
Yup, it is a mystery. Who woulda thunk it, eh? Almost like young women are pissed as hell and ready to do something about it. Interesting…
Good news!
It would be more satisfying if he was found guilty in Romania and sent to jail!
Don’t read if you don’t want spoilers for Sandman ep. 11
Do these people not know or understand what a baby actually is?
This GOP POS clearly has no idea how her own body works and wants to impose her ignorance on all Michigan women. I hope to see her lose in a landslide because us women in Michigan are pissed about the bogus POTUS decision.
Just watched it last night… They hit all the right notes from the comic.
Fingers extra crossed for ya in MI; I’ve pretty much given up on my home state, OH, as a lost cause.
The petition to get a new amendment to our state constitution to protect our bodily autonomy hit the streets the day after the POTUS decision. We are not happy campers in Michigan this summer.
Ohio suffers from the tyranny of the minority, just as Michigan has been suffering. Ohio voters didn’t want abortion banned, the legislature did. Ohio voters don’t have a voice in their state government because they are Gerrymandered to hell. We have a new map for 2022 in Michigan, there’s hope for us to break free of the GOP’s grip on Lansing. If Ohio has ballot initiatives to make changes to their state constitution, they should follow Michigan’s lead.
Oh, I know; I’m just saying the insidious right seems far more entrenched in OH than in MI right now.
Hopefully that wont always be the case.
Ye Gods, that’s horrifying! And of course, combining that with the fact that most teachers are women, and teachers are being targetted as enemies by MAGAts, and you have a perfect storm of ignorance and misogyny. The stupid is exhausting.
If anyone remembers the next moment in that scene, it will cheer you up.