A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 1)

Right-wing antifeminist influencers are starting to get a little uncomfortable with all the woman hating


This strikes me as the christofacists saying to the tradwifes and manosphere " your take on misogyny doesnā€™t match how Christians should be misogynists, according to we Christian misogynists, so weā€™re going to claim you hate women." Even though they are just the same.
Also, how can a tradwife influencer not even have marriage?


Itā€™s aspirational? Like the goal is to BE a tradwife, so they practice that role to make it manifest or something (I assume there is some overlap between crystal girls and tradwives)ā€¦

Strange Aeons has done a couple of videos on the tumblr tradwife ecosphereā€¦

Quality content you can rely on, that!

Alsoā€¦ the ultimate tradwifeā€¦

Season 5 Smirk GIF by HULU

Catching up on Season 5 nowā€¦ when they have Fredā€™s funeral, and then Hannah shows up and hands Serana flowersā€¦ the look on Juneā€™s face when she sees itā€¦

Angry Princess Peach GIF by Mashed


MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Women in combat is a national scandal. It is a disgrace. It is a deep, deep shame and stain on our country. And I donā€™t even hear the conservative politicians talking about this. Women in combat is a very recent phenomenon, as the lady just said in that commercial. And yet, we just totally gave up that fight. Why? Because we donā€™t wanna be seen as disrespecting women who serve in the military.


Boadicea and her Daughters, Westminster

Run him over, ladies!


I didnā€™t think of it that way. Re: the videos- I knew some of the tradwife stuff but woah. And ick. If a woman wants to live that way and walks in eyes-open, she can make that choice. But she should do it knowing and admitting sheā€™s perpetuating a system of oppression and hate against women.

I donā€™t think itā€™s bad that they are splintering and the Media Matters article @smulder linked was interesting.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s either/or though. I was focusing on their own understanding of themselves, not why theyā€™re problematic. I agree with you on that, but itā€™s helpful to understand how they are seeing themselves. I donā€™t think they believe that itā€™s perpetuating oppression, because they donā€™t believe it is (though, of course, it is).

Going back to my example of Serena Joy in The Handmaidā€™s Tale, she does not believe she is oppressed, although she objectively is. But she finds way to justify her oppression by leaning into the biblical worldview that she herself helped develop prior to the violent take over by Gilead. Even as sheā€™s treated like a second class citizen, over and over again through out the whole series (including having her finger cut off for reading in front of the commanderā€™s council, she refuses to see herself in those terms. Itā€™s because, despite being oppressed, she gets something out of the system sheā€™s participating in.


Honestly, this is a world view I have trouble understanding.


Yeah, itā€™s not an easy one to come to grips with if youā€™re interested in being a free human beingā€¦ but it sort of marks the authoritarian mindset, more generally. Some people absolutely believe that a hierarchy should exist, thatā€™s itā€™s ā€œnaturalā€ among humans and that itā€™s an ideal way to organize society. Even people who find themselves down the pecking order sometimes embrace their own subjugation in order to bring that aboutā€¦ again, Serena Joy, being a great example of how that actual works IRL (or on a TV show, I guess)ā€¦ They get something out of it, I just personally canā€™t put my finger on what it is. :woman_shrugging:


From the IRL example I know (thank all the gods she has no idea how to access Tumblr or Instagram), what she gets out of it is a sense of security and an abdication of responsibility. The rules of her world are well established and she doesnā€™t have to think about it, she knows her place, she has financial security (sheā€™s fortunate her husband isnā€™t abusive and wonā€™t ditch her), she doesnā€™t have to make the serious decisions in her life. Maybe itā€™s something else too?
I have no idea why thatā€™s appealing, but it seems to be for her. Sheā€™s flitted from one christian sect to the next, looking for more rigidity and restrictions.
ETA: also, she gets excuses for her bigotry from her religion. She can sit in judgment from her high and lofty position


I can tell where you are in the series by that response!


Yep! :laughing:


Absolute baloneyshit, women in combat is ancient. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

@Mindysan33: Women who actively participate in their oppression seem to believe it offers them societal privilege, particularly when they sign on to the side of oppression thatā€™s holding the reins of power. And as @Kii notes, a sense of ā€˜knowing oneā€™s placeā€™. I canā€™t wrap my head around this, Iā€™m so not of the authoritarian mindset.


Indeed. How many stories have we heard recently of ancient warrior graves being found, with presumed male occupants, then determined to have been women all along?

For example:


Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals

Yepā€¦ plus the number of goddesses that were war goddesses from the ancient world should indicate to us that women were participants in battleā€¦ Athena, Minerva, the Morrigan, among many, many othersā€¦

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I sent Ms. Pane a link to a tradwife guide and asked her thoughts. She didnā€™t respond the first time, so I asked again. I may be in some trouble. :wink:



Their official response to what was done to them: