A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 1)


Same reporter:

The BBC was forced to apologise after Inverdale suggested the French player was “never going to be a looker” on Radio 5 Live, shortly after she defeated Sabine Lisicki to win the women’s final on Centre Court.

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shocked philip j fry GIF


It’s fine with me if he loses himself.


In a livestream of the team celebrating in their locker room after the game, Hermoso says: “I didn’t like it.” As she is apparently shown a video or photo of the kiss, she says, “What do I do? Look at me, look at me.”

Video evidence of sexual assault, or at the very least harassment. What is his response?

“I have to apologize, there is no other option, right?” Rubiales says in the video. “And, furthermore, learn from this and understand that when you are president of an institution as important as the federation, you have to be more careful, especially in ceremonies.”
Not “I must respect women.” But “I must be more careful in public.” And, I guess, restrict his sexual assaulting to areas where there are no cameras.

Starz Mean GIF by Hightown


And @mspie500, yeah, his actions and his attempt to apologize are total shit.

Good commentary here:


Hermoso isn’t the first woman to be grabbed and kissed without her consent by a man seeking to publicly signal his elation by using a random woman as his prop. From the famous image of the home-from-World-War-II sailor kissing a nurse on V-J Day in Times Square to actor Adrien Brody wrapping his arms around Halle Berry and tipping her into a kiss after his Best Actor Oscar win in 2003, there’s a long history of men using very public moments to grab and kiss women who have expressed no desire to kiss them.

When pressed, many of these men say some version of “I was just caught up in the moment,” casting the kisses, as Rubiales did, as “spontaneous.” Oddly, though, caught-up-in-the-moment men don’t tend to spontaneously grab and kiss other men. It’s almost like there’s a sense of entitlement to women’s bodies, and an expectation that women will tolerate shocking encroachments on their personal space, that doesn’t apply to men.

In case there is any doubt: Most women, like most people, do not enjoy having a kiss forced on their mouths. Most women, like most people, enjoy kissing romantic partners and sometimes children or other loved ones, but do not appreciate an unwanted head centimeters from theirs, unwanted breath hot on their face, unwanted lips smashing into theirs. It’s a violation. It’s gross. It’s appalling whether it happens in private, or in full view of TV cameras.


This really makes me appreciate judicial conduct boards and the right to a trial with a jury of my peers…


I’m sure there are more than a few hatpins in there, too.


This is fucked up. Going after the player.

ETA archive version https://archive.ph/g1IBS




If you exit the page and then go back it usually clears. Seems to pop up once per day, at least for me.


Strange. I didn’t pat for it.


[Sexual Assaulter Spanish Luis Rubiales’ mother] said her protest would continue until the “inhuman, bloodthirsty witch hunt which my son is being subjected to” came to an end.



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This should be a gift link courtesy of Wonkette.

The requirement of intent in these cyber stalking and non-consensual posting of intimate images cases is incredibly harmful. It’s hard to prove intent on top of a type of case that is hard to investigate. While these crimes are committed against men and enby people, it seems to be overwhelmingly women. And the vitriol that accompanies the images is definitely misogyny.


The RFEF stood by its president, threatening legal action against Hermoso until Saturday, when FIFA, the governing body of international football, announced that Rubiales would be suspended for 90 days, pending disciplinary proceedings.

OFFS, yeah, go after the woman who was assaulted. That’s good PR, you assholes.

Then, following an emergency meeting on Monday, the RFEF asked for Rubiales’ resignation. “After the latest events and the unacceptable behaviors that have seriously damaged the image of Spanish football, the presidents request that Mr. Luis Rubiales immediately present his resignation as president of the RFEF,” the statement declared. The RFEF also withdrew earlier threats to leave the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) if Rubiales was removed.

Oops, we stepped in it. Can we have a do-over?

IMHO, this just reeks to high heaven. There is no excuse for, nor justification for, this behavior other than, “women are there to be enjoyed by men, no other reason.” Assholes all the way down.