A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 1)

So far, one goalie and a handful of coaches. The Olympic level women absolutely can hold their own in the NHL as forwards and defense. In time, we should get there in numbers. It would help if lower level coaches would focus on puck handling skills rather that dirty play development. At least that’s been my experience playing against the small percentage of women who play in my local mixed leagues. Maybe I’ll sign up for the senior olympics this year to see if anything has changed. :woman_shrugging:

All that said, it really bothers me that hockey has to pave the way in all sportsball. Football (actual football, not American handegg) should be blazing this trail. Physical contact isn’t legal for men or women, it’s literally all skill. Though the women don’t appear to be as likely to earn Oscar nominations as the men for on-field antics. :face_with_monocle:


I can’t believe I am this many days old and I’ve never heard that term.

Halloween Chefs Kiss GIF by giphystudios2021

As for football- the men are terrified. Let the women compete and they might just wipe the floor, er grass, with them. While the women’s teams are undoubtedly talented, they are only the women who stuck with it thru all the macho misogynist bullshit. How many truly brilliant football players had to give up to save their sanity or safety?


I did not come up with it, it’s been around for a while:

And also, you’re welcome! :wink:


A Rome of One’s Own chronologically presents the lives of Hispala and 20 other women, from Tarpeia and Hersilia (750 BCE) in the earliest foundational days, to “the political stab-fest of the late Republic,” all the way to Galla Placidia (414 CE) of late Antiquity. These women are not just queens and princesses, but also vestal virgins and whores, traitors and patriots, saintly martyrs, savvy businesswomen, informers, poets, and rebels. “By focusing on women, we discover a whole new history of the Roman Empire, one where marriage is as important as war and where what it is to be Roman is constantly being reassessed,” Southon writes. “Including women deepens our understanding of Roman history and Roman life.”

A Rome Of One’s Own. How much more appropriate for a thread like this?


That sounds fascinating! On my xmas list it goes!




Thanks for including the archived version, that was a good read.
Frustrating, but good.
It’s like telling someone to just “get a job,” when there are no jobs, or no good jobs, or there’s no way to get to the jobs or no way to afford to live where the potential jobs are.
Only about finding a bleeping lifemate.
Also, bit of a side issue, but I hate how the US conflates the religious and legal aspects of marriage. :rage:


A comment about this article…


women control their men

What The Fuck Wtf GIF by Studios 2016


They’re not doing a great job of it. I mean look at (gestures generally all around) /s.

That person seems to have issues if he believes that screed. Sounds like a him thing to me.


Unfortunately, there is an organized movement that believes what he’s saying, and some of them have already committed acts of mass violence. And the private equity assholes who decided that Jezebel needed to be shut down likely are sort of sympathetic to their cause…


WARNING: This story discusses suicide and sexual violence.

UPDATE: Since the publication of this article both Lee’s Palace and Brasserie Beaubien have confirmed that the shows are cancelled.


Glad some shows were cancelled. Maybe it will send a message to those performers.

hey arnold nicksplat GIF


Dying from childbirth is not enough so he has to throw dirty drinking water into the mix to bring things back to the bad ol days

I guess contaminated water won’t kill any babies or abort any fetuses?


madeline kahn flames GIF

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Mothers are always blamed for fetal anomalies. Turns out maybe that isn’t quite true. I remember researching pre-eclampsia and, aside from my rage at how little it is understood, found a theory that it can develop because of the interaction of my spouse’s DNA with my body. Which meant it wasn’t all my fault

X-posted to healthcare PSA and BSA

Mouse study but seems rigorous. Also jives with the fairly new idea that sperm from older individuals contribute to fetal anomalies too. Not just the age of the pregnant person.