The recent trend of shitheels referring to women as “females” makes more sense when you plop it down next to trying to block ratification of the ERA. These so-called conservatives don’t believe women are humans like men are.
There’s also shades of evo-psych in there as well. Women are Females and men are Males because we’re slaves to our biology or something.
Junk science is the only “science” conservatives abide.
Watch Mitch and the right kill this one too. Damn it.
There is no better model of masculinity
This was originally from 4 years ago, apparently, but it’s resurfaced and I guarantee you that there is a segment of the population that approves. Not to mention that’s four more years of toxic masculinity and misogyny those children have grown up with. Because I also guarantee that Mom was probably in on this, and probably didn’t up and leave. But any environment where this is a joke is going to teach kids a very wrong message.
Heard of it? Sure. Denied it? Daily.
Read the article, but also the thread:
Women are expected to examine and forgive in ways men aren’t.
Putting this here, because the “reputation” line gets pulled out so often to deflect accusations away from men and encourage silence. Yes, others use it too, but “reputation” is mostly something men (white men especially) want to protect. Anyone else’s doesn’t matter, especially an accuser’s.
Dude is going to have to upgrade from a walker to a wheelchair nd an eye patch.
Those guys sound fat.
I’m having a hard time dealing with the fact that there probably are some people men who are both able and willing to pay a thousand dollars to attend that shitshow.
They also sound like they’d all be complete shit in bed.
But the venue is intended for a female audience.
It would be awesome if hardly any women attended, but sadly there are just too many suckers out there, all too eager to throw their money away…
God, that is awful.
Just a request, can we not use that as an insult? I know it’s the kind of thing guys like that would say to insult women, but using it – even just turned against them – just affirms that being fat is something to be ashamed of.