A visit to Bosnia's last pigeon post office

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/08/02/trebinje.html


Tantalizingly vague about what happened to the pigeons, there.


At the very least they could set up a fancy pigeon program/club. Even if the pigeons wouldn’t be used to deliver post pigeons are/can be used to “race” (ie: releasing them away from their home and timing how long it takes them to get back).


Someday, pigeons may be a necessity to avoid censorship. Fortunately the data standard has already been published: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1149


Wouldn’t it be funny to get a paper letter reminder from your internet provider, asking you to sign up for electronic billing statements, delivered by carrier pigeon? I think it would be worth it just for that.


Maybe if you don’t remember to pay your bill. If you didn’t get your bill electronically, maybe they can try more old school methods to contact you.

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We take for granted that if we were sent 100 years into the future, many things would be weird and catch us off-guard. I think we may actually be more shocked, if we were transported 100 years into the past.

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If security is among your concerns, better use the IPv6 version: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6214


Those poor villagers could get porn delivered by pidgeon on a thumb drive.


I have an idea.
I have eaten roasted pigeon once. it was enough for me

Not for me. They’re not very substantial.

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Everyting old is new again, from time to time at least: https://blog.fieldnotesontheweb.com/2009/09/classic-software-engineering-and-mighty.html compares the bandwidth of pigeon vs. broadband, with pigeons winning in some cases.

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Hmm, I like squab, but it has to be properly prepared. Roast it like a chicken, and it’ll be horribly dry. At the very least bard it with some sort of fat (lean bacon will do) because a squab has a lot less fat than a chicken. And avoid overcooking the thing, which is tricky with little birdies. If you go by internal temperature, remember that the internal temperature will continue to rise for a short while when the birds are out of the oven.

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Pidgeon porn, it’s not what you think.

As in L.P. Hartley’s famous quote “The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.”
Although Douglas Adams in the Hitchhikers’ books had time travel leading to the spread of anachronistic technology and said “The past is a foreign country. They do things exactly the same there”.


And let us say, they HOME in on their target. They do not HONE in on a target. How often do we hear that error? So often. Very bad.


How does this mitigate the inevitable ddos attacks by falconers?


“I did not shoot and eat this delicious, plump-breasted pigeon.”


More pigeons. The other alternative is dynamite.

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The OP talked about censorship. IPv6 does not cure all security risks. Okay, so we need a pigeon loadbalancer. I guess this will introduce even more latency