ACA isn't enough: single-payer is a feminist issue

It’s always the same old BS from the “free” market crowd. Another favourite is the old Libertarian trick of pointing to government programmes that have been deliberately underfunded for years by the small-government legislators they support and then saying “see, they don’t work! The private sector and the market are the only alternative.”

One thing I wouldn’t ascribe to bad faith on the part of Libertarians is their avoidance of discussing the benefits of economies of scale, standards-based efficiencies, preventative measures, and other basic business concepts. I’ve encountered enough of these Galtian tycoons on-line and in meatspace to know that this comes from a level of ignorance that would make me hesitate to entrust them with the operation of a child’s lemonade stand.

Thanks. As a matter of principle I like to keep my Mute list short.