ADL encourages Kanye West to do more than apologise

ah, gotcha, asshole.


TMZ says that it was (likely) generated by ChatAI

AI or not, his “apology” starts out: "“I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community for any unintended outburst caused by my words or actions,…” which sure strikes me as the classic non-apology: “I’m sorry if what I said managed to upset you”. That is, he’s surprised his professing of “‘love’ of Adolf Hitler and denying that the Holocaust happened” caused any “outburst” one source


I generated a few different nonpologies to see how different they could be and its easy to get vastly different outputs. Here’s the last one i ran:

Me: Imagine you’re Kanye West. You’ve just been dropped by a famous shoe brand that was selling your really ugly over-priced shoes because you said some things that were anti-semitic and that your love for Hitler was weird and idiotic. Now write an insincere apology to the Jewish community while not really making any effort to do anything about it.

KanyAI ChatGPT: Dear members of the Jewish community,

I, Kanye West, would like to take a moment to address the recent comments I made, which I acknowledge were hurtful and offensive to many of you. I am aware that my words regarding anti-Semitism and admiration for Hitler were deeply ignorant and idiotic.

First and foremost, I want to express my sincerest apologies to those who were genuinely affected by my remarks. I recognize the pain my words might have caused and want to assure you that I take full responsibility for my inappropriate and thoughtless comments.

However, I must stress that my intention was never to cause harm or propagate hatred towards any community or individual. I have always prided myself on my individuality and expression of controversial ideas, but I now understand the importance of considering the impact of my words on others.

That being said, I realize that an apology without action is just empty rhetoric. Therefore, moving forward, I commit myself to educating myself about the history, struggles, and experiences of the Jewish community. I also pledge to engage in meaningful dialogue with Jewish leaders, activists, and scholars to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.

In addition, I am open to supporting Jewish causes and charities that work towards building bridges, promoting peace, and combating hate. I will actively seek opportunities to collaborate and contribute in a meaningful way, not only in words but through tangible actions.

While I understand that apologies alone may not heal the wounds caused, I genuinely hope that my future actions and efforts can help rectify the damage caused by my insensitive comments. It is my utmost belief that every individual deserves respect and understanding, regardless of their religion or background.

Once again, I extend my apologies to the Jewish community for the distress caused. I am committed to learning, growing, and evolving as an individual, choosing my words more carefully and considering the impact they may have on others.


Kanye West


Jada Pinkett Smith Periodt GIF by Red Table Talk


I don’t think this shows that Ye is contrite, but rather that he has discovered ChatGPT.


(post deleted by author)

While very true, and I have some sympathy with that, I don’t think that excuses the very awful things he’s said and done. Plenty of people living with mental illness don’t use whatever platform they have for harassing their ex wives or calling for the death of an entire people.

Both things can be true - that he’s got mental health problems and that he’s a raging asshole.


Regarding the Hebrew message that Kanye posted; Are those quote marks on the left hand side of the first line and the right hand side of the last line? Like he actually said those words? Hebrew is read from right to left. Shouldn’t those quote marks have been on the right hand side of the first line and the left hand side of the last line?

It’s more likely that regular quote marks were used around a block of Hebrew text.

The thing is, most characters in Unicode default to LTR: running left to right. RTL scripts, like Arabic and Hebrew, complicate things, most especially when you’re mixing Latin and a RTL script. If you’ve got a LTR set of quotes around a block of RTL text or vice versa, how do you display it?

Most likely there’s an algorithm something like: Display LTR text normally until you get to RTL text, then put of much of it in as you can until the line breaks. This will be in its correct order. If there is a line break, soft or not, just keep adding the RTL text until it runs out, then go back to LTR and continue.

So if the English text is represented by

A B C D E…, (read →)

and the (in this case Hebrew) text is represented by

e d c b a (read ←)

then what we’ve got is

A B C e d c b a E F G…

And in this case, where the opening quote is A and the closing quote is B, with the Hebrew text in between them and a narrow text width, you get

A e d c b a
k j i h g f
p o n m l B

Even though if you look at the string literal, they would appear as characters one by one as A a b c d e f ... n o p B.

One way of getting around that is if the whole block was designated as lang="he", in which case it would start in RTL mode, and everything would look correct, quotes and all, and you’d start having this sort of fun when you tried to insert English text into it. But something that would have looked correct on the screen of an Israeli translator would have this happen when displayed on the twitter account of anyone reading it in English.

Mixing text directions in complex Unicode text is not a trivial exercise.


Happy Married At First Sight GIF by Lifetime

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… it would be pretty comical if somebody tried to address the Irish-American population of the United States by reading a statement in Gaelic :thinking:


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