Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/07/30/asset-shifting-strategies.html
now I’ve heard everything
Famous last words after 2016.
Fuck. That’s like naming your kid “Family Joint Limited Liability Partnership II” and basing them in Malta.
The guardianship process the families are exploiting is intended as a way of getting children out of dangerous situations where they face physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
Does this mean that the parents of these kids can be charged with physically, emotionally and/or sexually abusing their children? I mean what OTHER reason could there be for surrendering custody of your children to someone else?
I’d say they’d have to sacrifice visitation rights and only be allowed to give them financial support but that may actually be the norm in many cases.
The boilerplate applications for guardianship that were used by these law firms said things like “The [guardianship applicant] can provide better educational opportunities for the child,” which would not raise any flags for abuse.
Maybe it’s shitty what these families are doing, but I have a hard time feeling bad about it. It’s a symptom of the real problem - crazy post secondary education costs. That’s where my ire is focused.
Which is a function of predatory student lending industry and massive cuts to subsidizing public universities. By not spending tax money to keep state and local university tuition low for local people, they create huge debt burdens on their residents and strangle the economic growth potential of young people entering the workplace.
Word. The “collar counties” of Chicago (of which Lake County is one) vote Republican because “taxes bad!”, so, no sympathy from me when they can’t afford the flagship state university they defunded.
My gut doesn’t like it, but I agree that this is a reflection of the post-secondary education costs. It reminds me of the efforts many of my friends made during college to get in-state tuition. They’d be financially independent from their parents, paying taxes in the state, but the university considered them dependents until they were 25, so they couldn’t get in-state tuition without doing something similar. And that was back when college was relatively cheap by today’s standards, and in-state tuition was affordable with a shitty college waitressing job, if you didn’t absolutely have to graduate in four years.
College tuition is unaffordable to a lot of people these days, way beyond the limits set by these sorts of scholarships. Soon it’ll be the realm of only the extremely rich and people who can’t figure out that the llfetime-earnings-with-a-college-degree versus the lifetime-earnings-without-college-debt ratio has become completely fucked.
Yeah, in Colorado our vile TABOR amendment has almost destroyed education. Every year you can see the slice of the tax pie going to education get smaller and smaller, due to the limited funds.
I would imagine that some middle class people are doing this and that the alternative would be for the student to take out student loans. I can understand why. My brother moved in with our grandparents for his senior year for two reasons. One was because otherwise he was going to have to move in the middle of the year because we knew we would be moving imminently but the other was he wanted to go to college in their state and could get in state tuition. This was in the late 1970s.
There have always people who will try to ‘game’ any system - i.e. cheat.
But now the internet giants have turned our whole lives into a series of giant gamifications, who can be surprised at this latest wheeze?
You know what? Screw it. The people in charge are gonna keep screwing the rest of us over. We’re gonna keep having mass shootings. Racists are just going to keep getting more outwardly and violently racist.
And you know what? I’m done. I don’t care anymore. I can’t do anything and none of it matters because we’re all gonna die soon either in the resource wars caused by global warming, or the actual effects of global warming.
Anyone left will be living in a Hellscape far worse than we have to deal with now, and all of this will seem like trivial bullshit that we wish we still had to care about.
So yeah, I’m out. Enjoy your temporary gains assholes. Eat Arby’s.
Word. College tuition financial aid / scholarships cannot be effective economic equalizers. They’re worth trying, sure, but when they don’t work, hate the game.
Man, I worked a full time job while going to community college. I should have simply scammed and stolen my way through life like a damn parasite.