After denial, Trump says he's considering dumping migrants in sanctuary cities

I saw a tagline the other day that truly left me dumbstruck. “Coexist just means giving up everything you believe in. If this is you, you believe in nothing.” Who actually thinks like this? But there are those who do. It makes me very sad.


I guess some people would be happiest sitting in their underwear eating slices of Wonder Bread to Own the Libs.

Me, I’ll take tacos, Thai food, Himalayan restaurants, Korean bistros, Japanese noodle bars, and Brazilian barbecues.


A Wonder Bread, baked and sold in some areas (in the US) by Groupo Bimbo.


I would say that kind of thinking is not a new thing, as TJ felt the need to slap it down 300+ years ago.


Them, a few years ago: “Gasp! Our good American Hostess products and Wonder Bread, sold for scraps, what will we do?”

Me: “Dang, I dunno what you’re complaining about, I’m over here eating Gansitos and loving life. Hostess, bah!”



Either we are at peace with people who are different, or we are at war. This is why people like Pamela Geller are basically the same as bin Laden.


Someone sounds a little ‘green…’


So you’re saying that these hundreds of thousands of people should exist solely for your puerile revenge fantasies- but you still feel empty because Kayne doesn’t care about you?

Deep, man. Good session.


Hey if it’s not a punishment then why do rich white liberals fight it in such subtle but effective ways?
I think a lot of people here don’t understand how effective and subtle the fight against diversity is in rich white liberal areas.

That’s a good one. And I completely agree, a lot of Republicans here support wars they wouldn’t actually want to fight in. I’m not in that camp. Let’s stay out of all wars on the other side of the world please.

Again, major lack of understanding of how effective rich liberals are at quashing public transit, integrated school districts, building homeless shelters, anything like that.
So I’ll explain.
The crude, unsophisticated, Trump-voter type “know nothings” are, in fact, NIMBYs. To take a very clear example of Trump-voter nimbyism, look at this 2014 story about protesters (99% white) who physically blocked DHS buses in California to prevent the DHS from delivering illegal aliens to their community. Ugly nimby Trump voters! Bad people!
They don’t understand that the right way to do that is not to physically get out in front of a bus, but rather, you sue for an environmental study, or you find an old document that says that some place is a sacred Chumash burial ground, or you find an endangered species (or in Hawaii you just find a special lineage, you don’t even need a species). You get your city council to do zoning and building codes that apply to multifamily residences. You create a special permit for institutional living. One rich white liberal community in Virginia blocked construction of city sewers into their area! Yes that’s right, they stopped construction of new housing by blocking sewer construction! “Hey would would LOVE to have some low-income multifamily housing here in our beautiful all-white community in Virginia but you know, our sewer system can’t handle it, so sorry, you have to build it somewhere else, haha!”
Getting back to empathy here…
Instead of being NIMBYs, these rich white liberals have figured out that the right strategy is to be YIYBYs. It’s tough for unsophisticated people like Trump-voters who block buses to make good arguments against YIYBYs, but being a YIYBY is NOT compassionate at all, in fact it’s vicious.
Someone else here said that the reason Malibu doesn’t want these migrants isn’t because they are non-white, it’s because they are poor and uneducated. Ok, that’s so convenient, all the non-whites coming across our southern border are poor and uneducated, and so are almost all the homeless people, and so on… yeah Malibu would love to take refugees and homeless, if it could find just the right ones, who happen to not exist. So sorry!
And yes I do live in a very rich, liberal, white area, and I like it, and I can see what’s going on here and I’m pointing it out.

Just to summarize, to see if I catch your drift and priorities:

  1. Wealthy people who protect their property values above the good of mankind are gross (agreed)
  2. Minorities and immigrants are a scourge, equivalent to a highly motivated (but also hopelessly lazy) army of homeless locusts bent destroying everything they touch (definitely not agreed)
  3. Wealthy liberals who do this are gross AND hypocritical (touche)
  4. All, or at least the most salient wealthy liberals are like this (citation needed)
  5. Being a liberal endorses the behavior of wealthy, hypocritical liberals (no)
  6. Wealthy Republicans are better, because at least they protect poor whites, as well as themselves from the scourge of minorities (yikes)

There’s no difference between NIMBYs and YIYBYs and Trump and his supporters are clearly more into fucking over homeless people and immigrants than the most venal champagne socialist or hypocritical liberal.

Thanks for admitting you’re just speaking out from a desire to protect your white neighborhood from non-white people.

You don’t sound like a reasonable asker of questions. You sound like a basic racist bigot.


He doesn’t come off as a reasonable answerer of questions, either, judging by this topic:


He wants to complain about liberal elites not taking immigrants, while simultaneously making a case that immigrants shouldn’t be allowed to improve society.

Fuck that whiny racist noise.


As someone whose local communities voted down a transit expansion in my county, it was the conservative elite who did that, not the liberal faction. They planned to have to vote in march instead of November when other elections were happening (knowing full well there would be low turn out), they had an anti-expansion campaign, and now the conservative for part of our county is pushing to ban a new vote for several years, because they know that the county is getting more democratic, and that they will lose that vote. They are afraid of increased diversity… it’s not the liberals here, it’s the conservative, white voters afraid of minorities. Me and my liberal family has no problem with the increased diversity of our community. So don’t you tell me what liberals do and don’t do. Stop projecting and listen to others for once.


The irony about his citing Hidden Hills is that, despite it being a predominantly white community, its most famous residents are African-American rappers and athletes and a white family known for having relationships with them.

The real problem that reality-TV-obsessed bigoted rubes have with Hidden Hills is not that its wealthy white liberals won’t welcome minorities but that they do welcome them as long as they have the money to buy a house there and as long as they’re not espousing repulsive ideologies.

It’s outrageous to a racist that Hidden Hills residents would enjoy cachet and fame from having Kanye or Drake living there but would react badly if Tucker Carlson or Richard Spencer tried to move in. For reference, see what happened in this wealthy NY neighbourhood when a well-off bigot moved in:


The biggest fear of a racist is that change means they’ll be treated the same as non-white people currently are

Just like the biggest fear of a sexist is that change means they’ll be treated like a woman currently is.


I’m willing to bet you’d make an exception if Israel was involved in such a war. I’m also willing to bet you and any kids you have would not be over there at the sharp end.


But how will the servants get to the wealthy white racists homes to raise their kids?


Why don’t those servants just buy a car, like the rich people do? /s

Seriously, the left over conservative base are scared shitless here. Their attempt to ban another vote on transit is an obvious attempt to preserve what “white” spaces they have left…


Please don’t.