After re-opening casinos, Nevada boasts fastest virus transmission rate the US

All my server apps:

  // Setup
  AResponseInfo.Server := ServerSoft;
  AResponseInfo.CustomHeaders.AddValue('X-Clacks-Overhead', 'GNU Terry Pratchett');

Phoenix AZ is a seething, boiling toilet bowl in the pit of the Valley of the Sun. Las Vegas NV is flatter, a frying pan. Las Vegas NM is much better but that’s another topic. NV and AZ are both off our itineraries now despite nearness and family. We would rather avoid intubation.



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Yeah sure, as would literally everyone else in the entire city, at once, all day every day. IDK how their electric grid is set up, but I know that wires are less conductive as temperatures rise… which means that at a certain point, temps will reduce the overall capacity of the city to power those airconditioners.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means. People can visit various climates, maybe even stay for an extended period of time… but people don’t live and raise families at scale in places like Death Valley or Antarctica, certainly not without a stable society that supports them.

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