AI and hidden advertising on Boing Boing

BoingBoing should label its ads. Which is what this is. I guess it’s obvious now that Bro Deal is an adbot so anyone paying attention will know.

All ads on boing boing are clearly disclosed as such.


Sharing things with people is what the blog is for if you want to get philosophical about advertising. Paid advertising on Boing Boing is always disclosed and made obvious. Things editors pick and choose to share are at the discretion of the editor and are done because they want to share whatever they do, fantastic or not. I don’t think we use AI in advertising beyond the algorithmic horseshit every ad network claims to employ. Accusing us of not disclosing advertising is accusing me of not doing my job. I don’t care about editors using AI, we’re all gonna start using new tools to get our work done – but I do get quite defensive about being called out for trying to sneak ads past our readers when that is not the case.


Thanks for that, Jason. Much appreciation for you.

I think another relevant question is: are these editors human?

I personally didn’t suspect AI but rather an odd style, but then again I’m not that clever.


I believe all our editors are human, and many of us use AI tools. I use ChatGPT and Grammarly. If I stop using Grammarly you’ll be really frustrated with me.


Thanks Jason.

Hehe. I’m fine to accept AI suggestions and corrections as I write. Technology mediated creation. How else can I spell anything any more?

The author of the post in question had one post in 2015, and then two posts today that both seem very LLM-ish and promotional. If he/she/they is a real person who really wrote them, then I apologize, but on the face of it, this seems like AI slop.

however, it is not advertising, and that was your complaint

Are you really politely and in a way sure to get people to want to hear more of your opinion asking us to label the use of AI, or are you accusing us of undisclosed advertising?

I am gonna stop keeping track of your goalposts; I have told you the one I care about.

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