AI-generated politician running for UK Parliament

Just a recurring PSA: LLMs don’t:

  • Think
  • Know
  • Do Research

A website can run the most popular search result through an LLM to give you a chatty, statistically sentence-like result that may or may not tell you pizzas are made with glue.


I don’t think most people think the same as you on this issue. There are lots of legitimate reasons why a sitting MP might receive money from other sources than their parliamentary. They might own shares, for instance, or act as an expert consultant. They might win a lottery prize. The important thing is for them to be completely transparent about their receipts so the public can judge if they might become biased.

That said, AI Steve’s idea is completely unworkable since in many constituencies the MP is elected with less than half the votes, and the government as a whole almost never gains more than 40-45% of the votes. And we can’t have a national referendum on every single decision Parliament needs to take. Not to mention how the last referendum turned out.

Obviously a publicity stunt, obviously dumb, and obviously AI Steve is not eligible to be elected but even so, shouldn’t “Don’t turn the levers of power over to AI” be kind of a basic point at this stage?

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The trouble is, they are (usually) transparent, and even a cursory look at the Registered Interests shows all manner of monies from from various sources:

Name of donor: Ian Hannam
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Accommodation (£9,202.45); ski pass and instructor (£2,006.82); flights and taxis (£1,966.99); total value £13,176.26
Destination of visit: Lech, Austria
Dates of visit: 10-24 February 2024
Purpose of visit: Skiing trip.

Yet unlike any other job, all an MP need do is register the payment, and that’s fine. They don’t have to explain why they took it, or what they did as a result, even if it seems pretty clear what’s going on - least of all give it back or report the giver to their line manager like the rest of us.

Sorry, but if there’s legitimate reasons why a sitting MP might receive money from other sources than their parliamentary, then I’m Donald Duck.

One thing I find interesting is how life influences art (and vice versa).

It was interesting to me how a show that had a relatively small viewship went so… god I hate this word… viral when it went on Netflix.

I remember when you had to work to find good media, before “prestige tv” was a thing. You’d look up stuff on Rotten Tomatoes, go to the one indie theater that carried it (or put it on a list and grab it when the library got the dvd)…

Anyways… I’m articulating myself poorly but sometimes I feel like there’s two set of people: the people who read primary sources (journals/conference papers) and the people who watch media inspired by the for the layperson wired article about the book about the journal article about the conference paper that’s a full peer reviewed version of th hot topics in [insert niche topic here] you attended in the early twenty aughts.

Anyways, does anyone remember the sci fi story where everyone is demanding the mayor prove he’s not robot?

That seems more realistic than literal “AI”.

Something something darth vader – off to watch the Sopranos.

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That’s Evidence by Isaac Asimov


So your point is that it’s a perfect fit to replace a Tory MP.


Yeah, I think we’re safe from the AI apocalypse for now

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Morrissey seems like an odd avatar to choose.


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