Originally published at: Airline offers women option to pick seats not beside men - Boing Boing
Saddened but not surprised that this a necessity
Seems like a welcome initiative. Not sure how it balances out across an entire planeload, with random ratios of men:women, but still a welcome initiative.
I’m sure it has given the problem of manspreading and disgusting cases of men getting handsy (or much worse) on flights.
… it has given it WHAT?
(Commas serve a purpose. One after “has” would have very much altered how that sentence parses.)
Sure, but no men are harmed in the making of this feature.That you are less likely to be sitting next to a woman isn’t infringing on your rights.
“Some shit” is still illegal, and “you shouldn’t have sat next to a man” is not really any worse than “well, you shouldn’t have dressed like that/smiled/not-smiled/left the house.”
So nobody is worse off, some are a little better off.
Great satire!
I would totally go for this on any airline that offered it.
I imagine if Ryanair offer this you will have to pay extra. I mean you have to pay extra to sit beside your child so safety as an optional extra would be super on brand.
Particularly given how the CEO behaves….
Offer an option to pick seats not close to children, and you will find customers lining up.
Same for seating that cannot recline (and same for the seat in-front of you).
This is a serious slippery slope. Next it’s pay not to sit next to babies, then it’s PoC. Where will it end? Pay to not sit next to people that take their socks off? Oh ok, that works.
……/s (except for the socks part)
satire guys! come on.
Satire is incredibly hard to grok in a printed format. The (/s) helps in that area tremendously.
indeed. edited.
As @docosc noted, indicating your satirical intent is hugely helpful. So thanks for doing so… There are, after all, people who really would argue that point… poe’s law and all that!
Specifically, technology is enabling them to take the problem of “bad behaviour on flights” and turn it into the passenger’s problem -“Well, you should have booked a different seat”, rather than having the staff with the authority to enforce decent behaviour on board their flights.
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