Alabama legislature upholds ban on yoga in schools because it might cause kids to convert to Hinduism

Mom had a history teacher who was so fucking boring she put her own ass to sleep! When it happened, no one woke her. They just read, did homework, and/or quietly chatted.

Once mom lit a cigarette and had a coupla drags on it before putting it out on the sole of her shoe. :rofl: :joy: :heart_eyes: She told me she wanted to impress a guy she liked, and succeeded in impressing the entire class.

My BF had a HS English Lit teacher he describes as “somnambulistic.” He just sort of drifted along when he walked, and his droning delivery damn near put them all to sleep.


The GQP has been trying to eliminate not only Arabic numerals but also the Phoenician alphabet from the minds of their fan club members for forty years, ever since the Reagan Administration came to the realization that their platform of only legislating for the 1% would eventually go sour on them if they the fans had educations. I think though that their arming the least educated Americans with military weapons, and alarmingly now sniper rifles up the wazoo, will backfire as their voting base becomes aware that they are poor because the Republicans promise of the happy rich folks trickling money to them was actually a plan to shut the flow of money outside the coffers of the wealthy to a mere trickle. When it ends completely they will retire to their myriad Armageddon shelters to await the New World, or in some cases just gasoline being poured into their ventilation systems. If you are not smart enough to vote in your own self interest at least stockpile an arsenal.


They don’t mind as long as other people are suffering more.

This is what makes Trumpism work. This is the dark heart of our political moment. Even people who are tremendously vulnerable themselves, like Crystal Minton, support Trump because of his capacity to inflict pain on others they detest. The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point.


That whole sacrifice-the-losing-team would make it ratings gold.

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Oh, that’s funny!

You want to get 'em upset, mention that Communion is just ritualized cannibalism.
When they deny it, just ask them to repeat the words that are said when they are given the wafer & the wine…

Adults, as well:
Either way, there’s no age limit on being an Ordained Dudeist Priest.

The 'Bama lege (among others) definitely needs to learn to Take It Easy, & stop fukkin with people.


Yeah, but migration alone just leaves a different set of problems. The flight of young educated black residents from the Great Lakes has increased the power white conservatives in those states. Georgia moves into swing state territory, but Ohio moves out of it. The solution is going to have to be what it always is education and organization.


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