Alex Halderman: we will never know if the Wisconsin vote was hacked unless we check now

Max seems to believe that he has to have an intent to harm in order to be held responsible for harm.

The logical conclusion of this is that you are responsible for your words, AND HIS.

some country.


Did you notice the “always” I slipped in there :wink:


I believe it’s raised compared to other states, it just doesn’t raise participation significantly.

I should locate stats again!

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I believe that falls under the American doctrine of ‘might makes right’.

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I see this argument a lot and I think it’s worth mentioning that hypocrisy, even if true, does not automatically invalidate the premise put forth by the supposed hypocrite. Hypocrisy sucks in all its forms, but the argument: “this person is a hypocrite on this subject, therefore their views are invalid”, although convincing to many at first blush, is a textbook ad hominem and a distraction from true discourse.


I will let the people disagreeing with you handle the racist allegations question, but how does everyone reconcile the smug citing of studies and articles which said the election was un-riggable in response to Trump’s preemptive allegations of election rigging?

Can we honestly have it both ways?

It’s almost like a false equivalency was occurring, where the supposed fraud black and hispanic “communities” were committing would be easy to detect, but hasn’t been, and the kind of fraud we have evidence for seems to target those communities.

Hmmmmm. But you’re just asking questions, I’m sure.


Very true. I do not presume to know the technical specifics of the voting machine controversies, or how likely it is that they could be successfully tampered with. I was only making the point that both parties mock the idea when they think the vote is in their favor, and suggest tampering when it is not.

Ah yes. You can’t be even slightly critical without being called out as a Trump supporter or Racist. You’re no better than the people who spit the words “Liberal Commie” or “Killary Supporter” when one mentions gun regulations.

Getting back to it: My point is exactly directed towards the issue of voter suppression, though: For all the people who said the election was un-riggable, how now brown cow? At the time, I was skeptical of all those articles and statements for that exact reason. If you were also one of those, congratulations.

A flip to Hillary at this stage would create a huge mess in which nobody looks good. Republican voters will never regard it as legitimate. R’s will still hold both the house and the senate. Trump will stomp around the nation whipping up the mob. I can’t see that ending well.

So it looks like the Dems prefer to play the long game - wait till Trump fails to deliver on his election promises and gets himself impeached (or better still, forced to resign, a la Nixon). Then Dems get to sweep the house and senate at the mid-terms, and the presidency in four years time.

Or, alternatively, one presidential candidate says the election is rigged when they think they will lose but accepts it when they win. The other party is advised by mathematicians that the voting seems suspicious and doesn’t launch and appeal anyway, insisting that a smooth transfer of power is in the country’s interest. I can see how those kind of look the same you if assume they are going to be the same to begin with and steadfastly refuse to look at the blatant difference.

When Clinton takes Trump or states to court to contest the results, you can resume your point about the equivalence.


For all the people who said the election was un-riggable, how now brown cow?

No one said that. Certain methods of rigging were debunked. Need a shovel?


The Senate mid-terms are definitely not friendly to the Dems. They are defending 25 seats to only 8, five of them are in Indiana, North Dakota, West Virginia, Missouri and Montana.

(but yes, if Clinton were President those might have been really brutal in 2 years time).

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A great way to never have to hold oneself to any standards. Just compare your critics to crazies!

“You’re just like person who is wrong, thus you are wrong”.

I’m sure you see it that way, but it is not an effective argument or plea to those on the outside.


Would swear I was linked to this off BB originally:

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Just so it’s clear and you’re not misunderstood, do you give the following claims equal weight?

  1. The general election will be rigged by a nation-wide conspiracy of establishment elites

  2. The results in a local precinct in a critical state can be rigged due to electronic voting machines that are demonstrably flawed and vulnerable to tampering

If your answer is no, then you should be able to understand how liberals can comfortably take claim #2 seriously without being hypocrites for also mocking claim #1.

If your answer is yes, I’m not sure what to say except that I have some classy, really the best, steaks and bottled water to sell you.


That is one difference. Another is the effect of the proposed responses to the two “problems”. The proposed remedy to the illusory problem ends up disenfranchising people, while the proposed method of investigation of the possibly real problem won’t.


Whereas I know that the following were BB stories:

The article you link rightly says that organizing a election rigging scheme the way that Trump is talking about it is impossible. Busing people in to pose as dead people? It’s logistically absurd and you’d just turn around and get caught almost immediately.*

Hacking voting machines sounds like it’s way too plausible, at least in certain locations.

* Not that I’m sure getting caught would even matter. If you had already won, you’d just pardon whoever did it on your behalf and resume business as usual.


I was going to criticize you for that, … until i realized it was intentional.


So you didn’t participate in the discussion at all? By all means, go back and review it.

It was smart to have Stein front the recount effort. But I am pretty sure that most of the threats against electors and this sort of thing-

Are being led by the democrats.
And I am not giving the republicans a pass for their position change. If Hillary herself made statements alleging that the election was rigged, it would be too easy to show that as a counterpoint to her strong statements before the election-

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