Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez schools Republicans on the true costs and beneficiaries of the Green New Deal

pretty good summary of aoc and what she’s up against–


Much of the American suffragette movement was overtly white supremacist. They didn’t avoid “taking on” race due to a regrettable tactical necessity; they actively supported the existing racial hierarchy.

See thread:



White women are literally the worst. I should know, I am one, and can hear what they say when everyone else isn’t around…


most, if not all, of the founders of the women’s rights movement in the u.s. came from the abolitionist movement. and yes, there was a certain amount of resentment that while the vote was obtained for the newly freed slaves who were male it was considered impossible or impractical for women to be given the franchise at the same time. however, to label much of it as overtly white supremacist is not an accurate reading of the history of the events or the causes.

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Some more from that thread:

Were there a substantial faction of anti-racists among the suffragettes? Sure.

But White supremacy was a significant and mainstream force amongst the White leaders of the movement.

White supremacy is not an aberration in White American history; it’s the normal default.


You notice we never heard of Joe Crowley doing anything? The AOC comes along and, with the exact same amount of power (which is to say not a lot being one of hundreds of votes) turns it into a real “bully pulpit” (bully meaning “swell” in the rooseveltian sense). I wish more reps were as interested in making the most of their position as she is. Of course joe Crowley just took a position in a lobbying firm that works for oil companies so that probably explains that. In a way she’s using her position the same way Newt Gingrich and Trump did. Realizing she’s a celebrity and letting the media amplify her message. Except, you know, for actual social justice instead of hate and profiteering.


Here’s the thing about the GOP slamming her saying that she’s trying to take away farmers’ cows.

Climate change is a bigger threat to cattle farming even compared to the most harsh, restrictive policies the left could even imagine to propose. Just look at what the recent midwest floods have done to that industry and how it will affect everything that has beef in it this year.


i don’t, can’t, disagree with that statement. what should not be lost is that the women’s movement started in the activism of the abolitionist movement, a movement which taught women that they could be leaders within their community, political agents, and lecturers before mixed groups, the founders of the women’d movement developed their chops in the abolitionist community. statements like the one from susan b. anthony above should be read in the context of being told by party bosses and political actors that it was more important giving freed (male) slaves the vote than to give women the vote because the most uneducated man was better suited than the most educated woman.

putting it another way, there is as much of , possibly justified, resentment as there is racism in some of those quotes. the subjugation of women, like chattel slavery of blacks, is not a story to cover anyone in glory.


I think it’s important to remember that abolitionist and White Supremacist are not mutually exclusive groups. Opposition to slavery did not imply support for racial equality.

Most of the White abolitionists were racist as fuck. Quite a few of them were opposed to slavery because they objected to the presence of Black people in America.

Susan B. Anthony was justifiably enraged by the oppression of women, and had every right to demand immediate suffrage.

She was also extremely racist.

She could have chosen to fight on the basis of suffrage for all. Others did.

Instead, she chose to fight on behalf of White women, and only White women.


Yeah, but they were pissed that black men were given the vote, and they weren’t. It split that movement. They especially embraced racism during the rise of Jim Crow, in order to bring in southern whites.

they also made Ida B. Wells march at the back of the parade during a DC demonstration… you can imagine how predictably that went, though… Because Ida B. Wells!

I hate to say it, but @Wanderfound is on solid ground when he notes that the suffragists movement led by white woman had a racial blind spot. I had a friend who did her entire dissertation project on the legal and health dimensions of the movement, and she found plenty of people who embraced the more racists aspects of the eugenics movement. It was really the radical fringe that embraced black women as part of the movement, unfortunately.


i’m aware of most of that. i think the contention stems from the way the racial resentments engendered by the passage of the 15th amendment between the women of the abolitionist movement and the men of the movement represent a different historical context from the racial resentments of the suffragette movement 30 years later. although the resentments of the later movement may have started with the earlier ones, those of the 1870s were also because of what many of the women’s movement considered a squandered opportunity.

i know from too many personal experiences that one of the default settings of the status quo is racism but i also know from my reading of history that the twists and turns of how the status quo changes over time has many shades of gray.


It is interesting you say this, because as a white man other white guys do seem to on average be more worried about saying racist stuff even when only in the presence of other white guys. I can only think of a few times where I was really shocked by the “just us white guys here!” racist statements. (Most of those times were not in the South either, but Ohio)

Now Sexism though… That is probably about what you imagine it would be. Other white guy’s mileage may vary.

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I think that Duffy knows all this, but in true capitalist/sociopath style, he also understands that poor people will suffer most from climate change and that rich people will always be able to score giant government handouts to help them rebuild.

I’ll second that.
But pols have to pander to people who need to have their ignorant beliefs reinforced to support a pol and are incapable of being taught anything contrary to said beliefs. (Indeed, Crooked Donnie’s success is based on his skill and lack of shame in this kind of pandering.)


Damn, I love this woman!


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