Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's common sense inspires terror in conservative columnist

Mike Pompeo.



That’s a Kansas Fascist? I miss Kansas Republicans. Please can we find some?

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For American conservatives, countries that spend their money on improving the lives of ordinary people are weak, loser nations. If you want to be strong and great, you need to put all your money into a big army and lots of military hardware, like the USA and Russia.


25% to 30%, give or take.

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Also related


Until a couple of years ago I thought the corruption of the words conservate/Republican was because no-one wants to openly identify as reactionary or fascist. Today I don’t know anymore, all four words seem to be used interchangably by them.


Anyway, about the video…I doubt this lady has any pearls, because they’d be crushed into a fine powder by now.


Even Otto von Bismark was in favor of universal health care and good education.

He was not a socialist, but he knew what Germany needed to have a secure country.

I consider healthy care, education and good infrastructure to be the BASE for any other security.


Indeed. She’s clearly a seasoned power-clutcher.


For those who don’t want to watch the whole thing, it starts around 9:40

Not just “bad.” Evil. Cruel. Insidious. Communism.

And I’m not sure about “harder and harder”. In FDR’s time, people receiving Social Security checks despised him for destroying their previous way of life (of poverty). Its always been this way:

People of Tribe X (who virulently identify as such) will never accept policies of Tribe Y, even if the policies of Tribe Y are Not Entering Burning Buildings, Not Jumping Off Bridges, or Implementing Fair and Affordable Healthcare.


i love this. it’s like no one in the right wing had ever tried to schedule a dentist appointment or see their doctor in some managed care program when they’re actually sick.

dentist appointments are always a minimum of 3 months out, eye care is less bad but similar, and the doctor requires you to pre-plan your illness a month in advance.

yeah, there aren’t lines. but only because they won’t let you near the office.


My definition is accurate enough and one that is commonly used. That some may want to argue definition is beside the point. All that would lead to is people saying “nuh huh, socialism is X” which is easily countered by “and is that what these democratic socialists are doing or trying to do” which demonstrates why as adults we argue positions rather than definitions.
We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We use taxes collected to enact programs to the benefit of every citizen. Our police, fire, military, education, roads. on and on - all socialism

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Or ever had their treatment plan or life-sustaining prescription medication denied by a bean counter at their insurance agency. But no, please do go on about “death panels”. :roll_eyes:

(On the subject of lines, I have apnea and my sleep therapist is booked a full year in advance.)


And the United States Government is the largest employer in the country. It’s part of what makes it so (painfully) laughable when the response to recession is tax cuts/spending cuts. That’s just throwing gasoline on the fire.


I met a few Christian anarchists while living in Philly. After discussing with them their daily life and worldview, I told them that if I were still of the faith I’d’ve felt compelled to join them that day.

Psalters are a Christian anarcho-folk group, also based in Philly, and they are a vibrant part of the Christian anarchist/anti-nationalist scene there:

Here, if you’re listening, you’ll hear hosannas on the streets, and a flavor of tambourines. A band called Psalters mounts an ululating, multi-drum offensive against the capitalist hegemony. They dress the part, too—if you saw this lot coming on a dark night, you’d run.


Come to think of it, the Friends’ Yearly Meeting is in Philly.

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Romans 13:1
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Love seeing religious people decide what part of their woo woo is the word of their god and what part of their woo woo can be ignored.


There are plenty of non-fundie Christians with the attitude of “the Bible is a collection of human responses to God, and is therefore as imperfect as the humans that wrote it”.

I’m fine with that, personally.


Acts 5:29
Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

Note that Acts of the Apostles was probably written by one of the followers of Jesus (the same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke) who personally knew him, while the Letter to the Romans was written by Paul, who persecuted early Christians until he converted well after the crucifixion and ascension.

Also of interest is that Acts 5 is the chapter where two people are killed by God for not being communists.

My understanding is that Christian anarchists believe that the Gospels take priority over the other books, even those which came after, as they are directly about the life and teachings of Jesus. They are also not Biblical literalists.

I think an actual Christian anarchist would be able to explain better than I can. I am not a Christian anymore (I haven’t believed for about 15 years now), I still remember some of it but I didn’t come from that background (my church during my childhood was broad church liberal Church of England).