All weekend, California Democrats booed neoliberal would-be presidents who talked down the Green New Deal and Medicare for All

Which is a beautifully efficient way to fight socialism, if you think about it. If a socialist policy is accepted and popular and effective it isn’t socialism anymore. And then you can smile and say socialism is divisive and doesn’t work. Well sure, if you remove all the unifying working bits, it sure is!


“There is no back to normal. A president like this doesn’t even come within cheating distance of the Oval Office unless there’s something deeply wrong with the old normal.”

Pete Buttigieg speaking about Biden…

Sorta growing on me.

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Speaking of jobs, it’s not my job to educate people’s misconceptions about words they don’t understand.


We’re fortunate that Biden is not nearly as bland as Gore and Kerry were, but in any case the same cold, evidence-based statistical calculus that says we should dismiss the lefties next year also says we must dismiss Biden because he’s too old. The centrists can’t have it both ways.


Unfortunately for Delaney, Ocasio-Cortez wasn’t having it. Corbin Trent, the congresswoman’s communications director, was asked by ABC News about the prospect of such a debate, and responded with a resounding, “Lord, no. I think she’s said her piece.” The response bewildered at least one Atlantic reporter, but makes complete sense if you think about it for even half a second.

Have these people even seen her debate? She’s a goddamn wood chipper. It would be like the end of the movie Fargo.


Just like 2016!


Bernie could very well have beaten Trump. But we didn’t get a chance to find out, thanks to the DNC and the superdelegates stacking the deck.

Will something similar happen in 2020? Too early to tell.


It would have mainly been a matter of being a better campaign strategist, because Clinton did win the popular vote. As much as we both supported Sanders’ platform and as loathsome as Wasserman-Schultz’s and the DNC establishment’s chicanery was, I still have to acknowledge that Clinton likely would have won the nomination without all the rigging.

It’s all counterfactuals, anyhow. We don’t know if a Jewish male socialist would have done better against Dolt-45 in the popular vote than a Third-Way female WASP did, or if Sanders would have worked the Electoral College more competently (his campaign manager was strictly amateur hour).

I do think that after four years of Il Douche and a wider acknowledgment than in 2016 that climate change and extreme income inequality are very real that the electorate will be more receptive to a progressive Dem like Sanders or Warren who rejects the neoliberal consensus.


The DNC is old,… they remember George Stanley McGovern & Michael Stanley Dukakis … The DNC is going all centrist all the time. Money talks… It is Biden or trumps…

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Repeating an earlier post from another thread…

General prognostications:

  1. GOP control of redstate electoral administration renders the majority of states extremely resistant to democratic reform.

  2. The only possible way to overcome that is via a turnout surge of sufficient magnitude that it overwhelms GOP efforts at voter suppression. “Likely” voters won’t cut it; unlikely voters are required.

  3. None of the establishment candidates have the slightest chance of generating the required turnout surge. The working class simply will not come out in sufficient numbers for yet another neoliberal imperialist.

  4. Bernie might be able to do it, although even then it’s a long shot. A new left candidate would have been better, but so far none have appeared.

  5. The Dem establishment and their tame media proxies will once again work flat-out throughout the primary campaign in order to prevent any non-establishment candidates from succeeding.

  6. If, by some miracle, a non-establishment left candidate makes it through the biased primary, the majority of the Democratic establishment will continue to work against them throughout the general. The Dem establishment would rather see a second Trump term than a leftist victory.

  7. Even if a general election victory occurs, the fight isn’t over. We still have an out-of-control militaristic empire, structural white supremacy, millions of fascists and climate change to deal with. And the clock is running very short.


…Good? :clap:

It odd that the GOP call socialism evil when every happy country are socialist and every unhappy county that called them self soloist have been miserable due to the lack of socialism. what we need is a bit more socialism as a green deal would create a lot of jobs at make as least the first two years of collage free would be very beneficial to whole county.

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Ehn. Most of what GOP calls socialism isn’t, and most countries Americans think are socialist aren’t. It’s just that the US right has a ridiculously overbroad idea of what is socialism, and lump anything where the government does something for the citizens into it.

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