Allahu Akbar!

It seems more likely that we’ll have domestic bombers strafing our country sooner.

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I didn’t say anything about making a positive difference. Afghan soldiers are more interest in chewing khat using hashish all day and having sex with each other and boys, than they are in defending their nation. I have little hope that things will remain stable once all the US and other troops pull out.

But to portray Taliban fighters as “defend[ing] their home country from invading fighter jets.” is baloney.

I’m happy that this can’t be pulled off a wall and sold for $$$$$ at a New York auction.


Exactly. Who knows if he’s intended to be dead or the kid told him to play dead, but it’s fun to punk the punks because they seem to be having more field days here, of late.

Just think of the original Dumbo movie: he isn’t dead, just exhausted and passed out after making his drunken, flaming leap.

Damn straight!


In terms of stereotyping, I think you just did what I think the video doesn’t do.

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Interpreting artists’ works is better for me when I compare them to other works by the same artist. I think the target for Banksy’s critique in a lot of pieces is American/Western imperialism. But maybe that’s just me.


The post says it’s from “Banksy”. I’m having a hard time figuring out if there’s a difference between ‘Banksy’ and ’ “Banksy” '.

/really liked the episode of Corner Gas where Lacey was offering “Free” Pilates Courses, and everyone in town kept asking her “What’s the catch?”

Looks more like a Ben Frost is Dead, than Banksy

There we have arrived where the whole drama of my childhood deploys: nobody ever took me to see DUMBO, so I had no idea that this was taken right out of the movie, in which he was exhausted and consciousless. Nevertheless, I still think that, although he isn’t dead in the original footage, the intention in this flick was to depict this as a kill.

As to trolling: if you consider that BANKSY is a sort of art troll or troll artist, which he certainly is, anyone trolling this thread is throwing a shadow inside a larger shadow :wink:

Which is why I said “ideally”. A politician is ideally someone who never betrays. A doctor is ideally someone who always sets the patient’s well before his own, etc. etc.

The position outside of all systems doesn’t mean that someone wouldn’t expose miseriy. I suspect you have difficulties understanding how someone can take a position without adopting a particular system of thinking or ideology.

There is no “position outside of all systems”, there are only more positions inside different systems.

Everyone adopts some particular system of thinking or ideology. Even if that “particular system of thinking of ideology” is some bullshit ironic faux-cynicism that you seem to think – bizarrely at that – is a prerequisite for great art.

  1. which is why I say “ideally”
  2. no, not everyone adopts some particular system of thinking or ideology. It’s just pretty hard not to. That’s what art and philosophy is about, though. Taking a position outide of hermetic ideologies. Of course, what you believe will always be in parts what others believe. What it should not be, though, is an ideology, which means: something people generally accept before they consider the content, if they ever do.

You mean from the US back Mujahadeen that helped give rise to the Taliban? That one?

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Funniest video of 2013. Hands down.
The sidekick could have had an AK instead of an M16, CAR 15, or whatever he is using, but anyway… Fkn genious.

It didn’t help that they named the exercises after the guy who killed Jesus.

Au contraire. A work of art can impossibly reflect a system of thinking or ideology. Arno Brecker tried to reflect the nazi ideology through his work and instantly, what he created stopped being art. What does it become? Maybe documentation. In any case: even though you, yourself, are used to think in ideological “packages”, which gives you safety and a sensation of belonging to something, I repeat: the difference between an artist and a non-artist is mainly that his place is always outside of the picture.

Where was the racism? I assumed it was a critique violent religious fanaticism. “Religion” and “race” are two different things, no?


What? It’s hard to talk with someone who’s stopped making sense.

The irony here is that your definition of the word “artist” is very much inside a “picture.” And it’s not only a sexist picture.

  1. OK then, we can agree that no art is ever free of ideology. (In which case I’m a little confused why you’d even bring it up, but whatever.)
  2. a system of ideas and ideals, esp. one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. – Nothing in that definition entailing hermeticism. You said “hermetic ideology” – unless that’s redundant even you admit you’re wrong here.
  3. There is no such thing as a perspective outside of “a system of ideas and ideals”. All perspectives are ultimately “systems of ideas and ideals”, i.e. ideologies.

Perhaps you’re simply working from a private, non-standard definition of “ideology”?