Amazon's secret deals with local cops give them access to realtime 911 data for use in scary alerts sent to Ring owners

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You. You Are the Real Heroes.

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Caller: Help, help, I’m being held captive, I’m at 123 Spruce Ave., he’s got a gun, he’ll be back any minute!

911: Thank you, the police will be there shortly.

911: [sends automated Neighbors message]

Captor: [gets push notification on his phone: “Hostage situation at 123 Spruce Ave., police responding.”]



The document also includes a list of more than 60 crimes for which Ring will not alert its users. Among “many more,” these include assault, rape, theft, bomb threats, school lockdowns, trespassing, vandalism, domestic disputes, and “dead person.”

So, only crimes against property, & not even all of those.


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