American Conservative to Trump: before you give billions more to the military, figure out what happened to the $6T we lost in the Middle East

This belongs in the Cards Against Humanity thread. (moonofalabama vs nakedcapitalism).

Don’t ask me where the memory hole is.

It’s rather amazing that notion persists in the face of all evidence, but even if one believed that, surely the fact that the US spends more on its military than the next half-dozen biggest military powers combined (or a lot more, depending on how you do exchange rates) would surely be a dead giveaway that it was time to dial things back a little?


So is it safe to say that you are… Disappointed???


The Colbert Report.

Known agitator for Russian propaganda.

In 2014.

Only clicked this thread to make the same reference but kinda glad you beat me to it. Surprised it took 48 comments though.

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i’m not against shrinking the cost of government. i think ( no proof given ) we could reduce the money spent by the va, for instance, by providing single payer healthcare for all citizens. we wouldn’t necessarily have to spend the savings elsewhere.

i know it tends to be that the cost of government always increases, but obama era budgets did good work towards balancing year to year deficits.

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would you rather be held responsible for what you meant, or what you said? Hope you pay that forward.

But the same Chicago.

(You know I had to say it!)

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