America's a rigged carnival game that rips off the poor to fatten the rich

I think you will all find increased lifespan is due to increased access to NECCO wafers and circus peanuts.

Wait, where am I?


I thought the increased lifespan was thanks to guns or, as I like to call them, Freedom Shooters.

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FFS, it’s a carnival, not a circus!

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Thought this was going in a slightly different direction…


Yeah but that one term covers both his/her examples.

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Wait what’re we talking about again? Guns? Or misogyny? Or racism? Or bananas? I can’t remember because it’s all a blur.


Remember the 30-story slide in the X-Files movie? Be careful digging those outborne cellar improvements, breakwaters, cisterns and test wells; and file a 7D20 (you roll this in front of the legislature) with the city ambition office.

Squatting, and eating out of dumpsters, and whether that constitutes changing the game?

Isn’t that being a parasite on an existing industrial civilization? I mean, you’re not creating anything, just living off of the remains that others leave behind…

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I believe biologists call it “scavenging.”

My position is it is a move in the old game.

When the Man comes to fuck with you that is the usual countermove.

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