An actual thoughtful discussion about what "cancel culture" does and doesn't mean

Originally published at: An actual thoughtful discussion about what "cancel culture" does and doesn't mean | Boing Boing


“Consequence Culture” is the better term through which to analyse and assess these incidents. The other term has been co-opted by the far right to the point of its being useless. “Cancellation” implies one final and irrevocable result, where “consequence” allows for a range of alternatives to be discussed.


Cancel culture simply means that nobody has a god-given right to their own TV show, comedy special, book deal, starring role in a major motion picture, six-figure speaking engagement or what have you.


Sorry, but I didn’t stop at “cynical” and kept going full speed after the Trumpandemic debacle.

Cancel Culture is nothing but another gastrointestinal product from the republican corporate hate factory. It craps out another society-dividing bowel load every season or two. Their recent best hits include Critical Race Theory, Indoctrination, Lets Go Brandon, Immunization Mandates, Voter ID Mandates, and that chronically over-milked cow, Illegal Immigration.


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