Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/11/07/an-embossing-label-gun-is-my-f.html
Someday we’ll all have a label.
I use them as well, especially when the label needs to be waterproof. (Tho you might have use some more robust glue.)
I guess you can’t please everyone.
If the prices were the same I’d take a handheld inkjet over The Embosser
They do have a satisfying KERCHUNK.
Still have and use one like this from, maybe, the early 70s. I found a surprisingly large amount of these for sale on ebay and etsy while looking for an image. Plastic lasts forever, amirite? Good Dog, remember when that orange was the in color? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
That’s the one I used. Eventually the little knife thing that cut them apart broke. Had to use a ton of spaces then the scissors. Wasted a ton of rolls.
I bought this, it broke before I even got through one roll. Go find an old one made of bakalite on ebay if you want something that is actually usable. I have bought a few of them off amazon and they are all poorly made.
I love the labels, but they don’t stick worth a gosh darn.
The secret was to space it, cut it close to the label, then back the roll out and re-roll it and re-load it…
This is the knowledge of the elders. It shall soon be lost to history, like tears in a rainstorm…
I’m surprised none of these used label makers in the photos are labeled ‘label maker’. I mean… c’mon now.
Why is there no unicode or emoji support?
I seriously used one at work this morning. The thing must be 40 years old, too.
If you really want to mean it, get the one that embosses metal tape.
I got an old school all-metal one at a garage sale for like $10 and promptly left it on a friend’s bus when it died, stranding us in the central valley, ca. Still bummed about it. Definitely fell under my aesthetic.
I’ve never seen the similarity, but it’s got the little button at the side, and the big button on the top, and the stepped back, and the wheel becomes the line at the side…
“Set phasers to label, Mister Spock”.
My Grandpa used one of these to label everything and I mean everything. He would have put a label on my Grandma if she stopped moving long enough.
I worked at a university where they had desktop versions that locked the tape so you could swap print wheels while printing on a single tape. I used to have to fix them, I think they may have been custom builds because parts were always unavailable. Fortunately the guy in the physics model shop was able to fabricate replacement parts I needed. They had lots of print heads including italics, extended math symbols and foreign language type disks. I was once told they were built by a company that sold devices that could read the embossed tapes into an antiquated computer’s serial port. Can’t remember the company name but it was long gone by 1990.