An homage to Gjon Mili \ Pablo Picasso - Centaur light painting homage

Originally published at: An homage to Gjon Mili \ Pablo Picasso – Centaur light painting homage | Boing Boing

Here’s my entry in the “using a robot to plot a light drawing” sweepstakes. Used a hanging wall plotter against the night sky as seen off my front porch:


Here’s the rig, duck tap and all:


Nice work, I love the +V & GND, and I really wish I could’ve had the small light point like yours came out with, but alas I had to zig at the last moment and use a backup flashlight after I broke my incandescent MagLite Mini that originally planned to chuck into the grippers. Also, the Roybot (not Garbage Pail Kids - Roy Bot) wall-hanging robot was an inspiration for this capstone project. ^____^

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