An Infestation of Nazis, Fascists and Insurrectionists Part Deux

Not at all what I was going for. Let me clear it up. I won’t use Nazi rhetoric to insult anyone. I’m not telling you what you can or can’t say.

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Nimeity. Plus, you get the alliteration.


watching “you will receive notifications because you created this topic”
uhhh, no I didn’t. I had already reduced my topic control to normal in the original thread because of this shit show. @sam ?

anyway, gg everyone, shouts out to @Rice for the derail.
maybe I should have said Knoxville is “infected” with these people?
when we got a permit to have a hip hop show in market square one afternoon, everything went great and I personally picked up all four pieces of litter so there could not possibly be any backlash to our gathering of about a hundred citizens having fun in the public square. and yet, when we reapplied for a permit, we were denied. yet the land charter for the square explicitly states it is for public use.
it was at that point that I realized that – cheap rent be damned – being a productive, tax paying citizen for a municipal system that changes the law because it hates black people was not something I was willing to do anymore. they wanted it both ways, exactly like karen in the video. that was what I meant by infestation: it wasn’t just the people who lived there, it was the entire civic structure. trying to just exist there was nowheresville. and I knew it already, but the “one law for us, different law for you” was the nail in the coffin.

(to be clear, I’m white, the guy who applied for the permit was white, and the crowd was a visibly mixed crowd. but public gatherings with a visible black presence is not allowed there.)
(except football, of course)

now back to our regularly scheduled lives.


A Nuisance of Nazis.
A Nonsense of Nazis.
A Neurosis of Nazis.
A Nausea of Nazis.

So many to choose from.


“History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes”

I’ve been struggling to find the most appropriate rhyme for the capitol attack. For now, it looks a lot like the beer hall putsch, which at the time, was unsuccessful. But it sure yielded fruit a few years later!

Going back to that history, the unwelcome overabundance -to my mind - isn’t so much of one kind of person or another. It’s the normality of lies. When the lies get thick enough, calling bullshit doesn’t seem to matter.

Antifa wants to punch fascists… fascists respond with the lie that it’s really antifa causing the violence. It makes me think that violence is easier to lie about than most other countermeasures.

I don’t know any simple answers here: “simple answers to complex problems” seems to be part of the fascist playbook. But as with the pandemic, our problems with fascists are not going to go away when Donald Trump does. I think we are in this for the long haul.


I got one:
“a Fuckery of Fascists, from Charlottesville to the Capitill


I second that! A murder of crows, a glaring of cats (new one for me!) an obstinacy of Buffalo and an infestation of fascists.

Use it in a sentence.
Fascists are the “et cetera” of the current Republican Party. :wink:

I like that one. That’s for a small group, say 3-5.


A cancer of Nazis.
A mound of Nazis.
A pustule of Nazis.
A snot-rag of Nazis.

A dung-heap of fascists.
A flatulence of fascists.
A firestorm of fascists.
A fistula of fascists.


You’re forgetting WHY they want to punch fascists, which is that they want to commit acts of genocide. Fascists had to exist to create a correct and moral response to it.


That’s a winner.


Don’t get me wrong, I am not for shielding any fascists from consequences. If getting punched dissuades someone from joining that team, I’m all for it.

But as someone who would have been carted away by the German fascists in the 30’s, I can tell you that antifa does not make me feel any safer. “Correct and moral response” in my view, does not require vigilantes. It does involve strengthening the laws that would keep this shit from reoccurring.

(And let me say that if violence is part of the cure for fascism, it needs to be under an authority that can command it to stop. Being a leaderless movement means antifa answers to no one. That doesn’t reassure me any, that their violence is inherently OK.)

I’m not convinced that genocide is part of the business model of Fox news. But I am convinced they are a fascist oriented business, and they need to be shut down. No amount of punching is going to achieve that, and unless antifa can work toward changing the laws that allow Fox news to operate, they are but one “part of this nutrtitious breakfast”.

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Fascists don’t respect laws.


And worse, fascists have infiltrated law enforcement on a wide scale. Event he FBI admits it.


This is not a new problem. The origin story of modern law enforcement in the US comes from 2 places - slave patrols and the pinkertons. So, yes, they are shot through with white supremacists.




The LAPD said the riot was an unlawful assembly and that six people have been arrested, but none were under custody on assault suspicion.

Video on social media shows her urging an officer to find her attackers before they left. Officers wouldn’t even look at the video Nibo had taken on her phone for at least 20 minutes, said McTiernan, who was also covering the protest.
“It felt like they were avoiding trying to do anything,” McTiernan said.

Laws don’t mean jack when the police are on the wrong side of the law.



It must be nice to be able to trust that the police will help, and not insult and ignore you.


I like that one.


A video posted later showed the woman in the photo, holding a Trump flag in one hand and Nibo’s wig in another: “I did that,” she boasted. “I did the first scalping of the new civil war.” The crowd around her roared in cheers.

Fucking FUCK!!

This is so dehumanising on so many levels!