An oral history of the 2009 Folgers Incest Ad

What I’m getting from this is less “Company accidentally makes sexy commercial” and more “Society is so emotionally immature and frankly sexist that it can only parse intimacy and affection between men and women as sexual, even if they’re goldang siblings.”


I hardly think that Venezuela is a special case, i just don’t think that it’s universally true. Venezuela exported different food products and i remember that the quality of the things i ate are much better than what i find here in the US. Not just the coffee.

On the flipside Venezuela apparently produces one of the world’s best cocoa beans. It’s a particular variety and i’ve never seen it.

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Thank you! I didn’t know that. And Vietnam has such a rich coffee culture.

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Now I want to see the sequel to this ad, with Karen Black in a cameo as the not-at-all-creepy Aunt Amelia. :grimacing:


Would you have had the same reaction without all the suggestion provided in advance? :thinking:


I feel like we were through this with the Peloton commercial not long ago. Some people see this ad as creepy, some people don’t. But when I look down the thread I see several cases where it seems like people who don’t find the ad creepy are judging people who do find it creepy - suggesting, for example, that their families didn’t show affection.

What’s up with that?


I was in Colombia a couple years ago on a business trip. Before we left, the project manager took us shopping for souvenirs. When I asked him what his favorite coffee was, e seriously handed me a jar of instant coffee and said “This is the best coffee, it’s what we all drink…”
It was good, for instant, but I was horrified. It was like asking a bartender at a brewpub what his favorite beer is and he hands you a Budweiser…


There was a wonderful moment in a Ray Mears’ survival show, where he was hunting in a jungle with some locals. They showed him how to make a blow pipe, and how to extract a poison strong enough to paralyze a monkey, and how to stalk and kill a monkey.

Impressed by their bush skills, Mears asked them how they were going to cook their prey. He looked very disappointed when, instead of using some ancient technique to light their fire, they pulled out a couple of disposable cigarette lighters, and waxed lyrical over how good they were.


Siblings enjoy coffee in the AM while their parents sleep if off.

They’re probably enjoying the 1/2 hour before the kiddos wake up.

Problem? Hell, I’ve had so many cool converstations with my siblings/inlaws at that time of the day.

Happy holidays to everyone! My favorite is New Years.


I’ve often thought that the way to lift many countries (esp African) out of poverty would be for local govts to ban export of raw materials without some level of local processing/added value. Naively, could not think why it doesn’t happen, but I guess Western corps and govts make it implicit there would be consequences in such cases. I’d really like to see some countries try it. The old leftist/marxist former guerilla African revolutionaries who came to power in the independence years should have been the ones to do it.


I think this nails it. I’m an only, so I’ve never had a sibling relationship. I don’t think there’s anything especially overt here, the sibs seem wholesome and sweet, however, when you deal in vibes like this, people are going to interpret vibes how they like; I guess I have a dirty enough mind that it definitely crossed my mind.

The point fuzzy fungus makes is key.
if one were to set out to make a short, non-pornographic film about brother-sister incest, it would look exactly the same as this ad. it just has Folgers product placement in it, also.

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I expect audiences may have been primed by the run of Taster’s Choice ads – but then again, those ran a long time before this commercial did. Its influence doesn’t even merit a mention in the article, apparently.

Does no one else recall that? Caused quite a stir in its day. I recall hearing that some of the other foreign versions got racy indeed. Surprisingly, there doesn’t seem to be a convenient compilation on Youtube.


See also: why the worst oranges in the world are sold in South Florida.

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Are you judging the people being judgmental? And am I now judging you? It’s like some infinite mirrors of judgment thing! /s


I think it has more to do with them apparently “napping” together, then she wakes up first.

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Reminds me of an old SNL ad, Tasteless Choice from the mid 80’s


  • When a man (Joe Piscopo) comes clean about his incestuous relationship with their daughter, his wife (Mary Gross) makes some coffee.




  • I can’t believe they got this on the air! Shock humor can be hit-or-miss, but this was brief, and Mary Gross’ uncomfortable “I’ll make some coffee” was executed perfectly.
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“Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.” (Titus 1:15)


When I was living in Nairobi (yes, East Africa, but a similar situation), most of the good coffee was grown for export and the local coffee was generally lousy. Same with the tea. There was a local chain (Java House) that sold decent export-quality coffee, but it generally catered to wealthy expats and well-off locals.

When I visited Addis Ababa however, all the coffee I had was amazing. But in Ethiopia there’s a whole ceremony to preparing the coffee, and it’s roasted right there just before it’s brewed.


I think so, because Jesus, those looks. They’re the cliche Hollywood signifiers for “I want to fuck you.”


“I am as God made me.” (Titus 1:17)
