Android's keyboard will no longer autocomplete "sit" with "on my face" thanks to me

I am betting a Monty Python lover put this in there…

I bet Cory is really fun at parties :confused:

Though, yeah, I can see that getting annoying.

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Autocomplete is my worst enema.


That same sentiment could be applied to many people on this forum.


That’s why they invented booze, right?

“Hey! Hey! Who wants to see how many hot dogs I can swallow whole!”


But booze doesn’t actually help those who are boorish, annoying or killjoys; it just lowers their inhibitions.

However, you are correct that inebriants can make having to be around such folks more tolerable for everyone else.


To other people? Yes, I want that very much! :laughing:

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Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

Google’s algorithm runs almost entirely without human input and makes all sorts of important decisions that way. I can easily believe that the most common single occurrence of “sit on” in searches/text messages is a Monty Python lyric. It’s possible that this was done intentionally, but Cory’s explanation is perfectly plausible and there’s nothing really pointing at malice.


Oh, I don’t posit any malice. If it was deliberate, I’m sure they thought it was hilarious, and that others would think so to.


Putting sophomoric humour into a customer-facing application would certainly fit my definition of stupidity.


Dammit Google, when I uncheck ‘do not suggest potentially offensive words’ I actually mean it.

Surely it’s not rocket surgery to note how infrequently I swipe ‘ducking’.

Fucken shot cunts.


I recently made the switch to Android after using iPhones for years, and mostly love my Samsung S9+. But I still haven’t found a keyboard that I’m totally happy with. Currently using Swift, which is the best I’ve tried, but it’s still downright heinous sometimes, especially with it’s spellchecking, which seems to randomly disable itself.

I had to ditch Google’s keyboard since clicking backspace after it autocorrects something completely undoes the autocorrection. That sounds reasonable in theory, but in practice it meant that if I was just changing one thing about the autocorrection I’d have to start from whatever gibberish I initially typed.

If anyone has a suggestion for a great Android keyboard for folks who type fast (I can type about 60 wpm on my phone without looking at it, it’s my lame superpower), I’d love to hear it.

You’re no fun anymore!:confused:


Okay, I am officially impressed by your GIF

Okay. I think that would very much suck, but okay.


It depends on how well I know the babysitter and their personality.

usually a ‘damn you autocomplete!’ after mistaken texts are sent alerts the person that it was a goof. :smiley:

I mean, we had this above, but one day on and I can’t resist to use Gboard autocomplete to write this:

Sit and watch the event that you have received. This message is intended only for the devs. I have been a bit of a bull and I will be a part in this. The only thing I have been working on: the best way for me to send you a call to discuss your campaign. This message was automatically generated.

Mode of operation: I have chosen the next fitting word out of three suggestions.

Sit to stand up.
Sit and watch.
Sit to the party.
Sit to the best of the world.
Sit. This is a good time.
Sit. The dust settles.
Sit and talk about registering for classes.
Sit the exam.

Algopoetry rythms.

Imagine an adult man accidentally sending one of those texts to a teenaged sitter? Or to a boss with no sense of humor?


Yes, hence the “It depends on how well I know the person I’m sending the message to”. If it’s something formal, I double check things before I send it off.

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But we’re not talking about sending a joke to a friend. We’re talking about slipping up and accidentally texting this to someone who you might not know too well.

And yes, always double check, but sometimes shit slips through anyway because we’re human, not editing machines. Hence, it’s probably a good idea for raunchy things to be included in an autocomplete type list, yeah?


Yeah, I agree. But people get in a rush. And even though I find it humorous, probably shouldn’t be a stock feature.

And I have heard of a prank where people program awkward autocompletes on their friends. So wrong, yet funny.



I mean, come on… is this really so damn hard to wrap one’s head around. No one is saying don’t make dumb jokes with your friends.