Animal chiropractor adjusts giraffes and other animals

Well, ok then.

See Ya Puppet GIF by Gerbert!


I dont know, maybe not advertise this bs more than it needs to be for one bitter laugh?


I took a short equine/canine/feline chiropractic course, w/the emphasis on equine. One of the things he taught us was spotting lameness in horses, which limb is affected, and where the problem is in the limb.

Mom and I had a riding lesson, and I saw her school horse was lame before she even felt it or the instructors (two lessons were going on at once) noticed. I said something about it, and the instructors agreed. Mom took her horse back in to his stall, and got someone else. When our lesson was over, I brought the lame horse out into the stable’s hallway, and adjusted his “ankle.” I also checked his back, and adjusted a few spots. When I was done, he looooked around, then at me, and rubbed and rubbed his head on me. He was thanking me. He whinnied at me every time I came into the barn after that.

Next weekend, when we came for our next lesson, I asked how he was doing, and was told he was fine, that his lameness was non-existent when they’d checked on him the same evening I’d adjusted him.

I worked on many horses who had chronic problems which disappeared after treatment, including the horse I rode for most lessons, and rescued ex-racehorses in Jamaica.

ETA: Thanks so much for the facepalm.


yep. my old master also agreed when I told him I saw in a persons aura some weird colors which needed adjustments (Im not kidding). sorry, anecdotal “evidence”, chiropractice and homeopathie are full with these.


Chiropractic works for some issues but not for everything. I had a whiplash injury from a car accident that physiotherapy couldn’t fix. My MD at the hospital clinic finally recommended I investigate chiropractic after 8 months of physio failed to get rid of my daily headaches and neck pain.
I went to a chiropractor that a coworker had known since before the individual became a DC. He took a full spine X-ray and showed me how far my spine was out of alignment - neck was about 3" to the right of my tailbone. It took about 8 sets of adjustments over almost a month, but it corrected the misalignment and got rid of my headaches.
No single branch of medicine can possibly deal with all of the problems we are subject to over the course of our lives. An orthopedic surgeon’s the only person that can replace my worn out hip.



I can’t say that I know what was going on, but in my layman’s opinion, it looked like that giraffe wanted more scritchies.


I would argue that the things chiropractors do that actually work are not chiropractic, but are borrowed from actual medicine. X-rays, for example, which IMO should have been the first thing any physical therapist should have asked for. My wife was about to start physical therapy with someone who kept their chiropractic background on the DL, and when he scoffed at X-rays, and started talking about subluxations and chakras in her first session, she noped TF out and found a real PT.


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