Originally published at: Watch animals getting chiropractic adjustments | Boing Boing
What a sad scam.
BJ Palmer (one of the progenitors of chiropractic) once killed an elephant by trying to “adjust” its spine with some 2x4s and a sledge hammer. Woo hoo! (With a decided emphasis on the “woo”.)
Name checks out
I have never heard of zoological chiropractic, but I have been on a personal crusade for years to keep infants out of their hands.
(I would strongly object to the use of “border on” here)
Baby’s Neck Broken by Chiropractor | RealClearScience
I know, I know, off topic, but like i said, personal crusade.
Gah! Seconds before me!
People completely suckered by the chiropractic scam and turned evangelical about it used to really bother me. Somewhere in the intervening decades I stopped caring. No real point here, just noticing my own ambivalence I guess. I’m an “ ok good luck with that” person now.
Those poor animals. At least humans are consenting to participate in dangerous bullshit. The animals are not. That man should be charged with animal cruelty.
I’m an “ ok good luck with that” person now.
Yeah, yeah, it’s all free choice till someone has a stroke.
Just give them a good massage. None of the cracks, which may be the sound of something being damaged…
Comment below transforms comment above to ‘on topic’. All kidding aside, as far as pets or infants go, both fall under “especially egregious scam Chiropractics”, and we’re all here to learn and helpfully inform, so it’s all good.
I considered wading into the debate in the forum and was nervous. I load the page and lo and behold, everyones’ comments are evidence-based (so far)! Pleasantly surprised. Good job Boingboing community.
Maybe check in more often? Being pleasantly surprised could become an everyday event.
I had a chiropractor help me with back pain due to scoliosis when I was a teen. Of course, it didn’t cure the scoliosis (or anything else for that matter), but the chiropractor never claimed that it would and the treatment did help with the back pain.
I think that chiropractors can be helpful to mitigate specific types of pain related to sports injuries, etc. Of course, anyone who claims to be able to more is a charlatan.
in any case it gets harder to argue that the third, or fourth, or fifth stroke is freely chosen
Indeed, even something like Reiki would have the intended effect of reducing the stress on the pet owner’s bank account without actually injuring the animal.
I am rarely, if ever, disappointed by the comments.
Is/are any chiropractics not a scam?
I’m asking seriously. I know several people who swear by regular chiropractic sessions, mostly for an otherwise sore back. I worry for them, but a couple of folks I know have been doing it for many years.
Indeed, after a couple of years of “treatment”, you’ve got to wonder about its efficacy, right? I mean, I’m not saying that Chiropractors are as bad as the Sacklers, when it comes to parasitic-medicine; but they certainly rank with mediums, as harmful con-artists preying off the desperate, in my opinion.
If they’re known to be such absolute quacks and con artists, I wonder why so many doctors and insurance companies are fine with patient referrals to them. You’d think the latter especially would refuse.